Life Lately - October 2017

The Bells visited this weekend and Thomas was home for a couple of days -- yea!

I haven't had much to say lately (can you believe it?!?) and even went a week or more without posting Picture of the Day. . .no reason except that I really felt like our days were all the same and nothing exciting was happening to document.
I mean, who cares about the random shopping list, right?

But then I remembered that Picture of the Day is supposed to be about me capturing the "normal" (and extraordinary!) in the day and be thankful for this life I am in NOW.  I actually began this when we homeschooled in 2011.  Before smart phones!!  The idea was that we would journal the pictures as a daily writing assignment but we never made it that far. . .Picture of the Day hung on though :)

And I just went back and read that post and now am grateful for the "everyday" and technology and the time and ability to journal our lives like that.  I would never had remembered some of the details that make us, us.

My new job is great.  I just realized I don't really have any pictures of where I work -- I'm not sure why?  Anyway, I snapped this picture my second or third day when Frederick asked me what my office looked like -- this is more of the view I get as I sit at my desk.  Yes, I have an office :)  I have never had an office in my life!!!  Here is a little bit more about where I spend 25-28 hours a week. . .the job description itself is still a little vague and is being worked out.  Basically, two wealth management companies merged in July and created this new company. . .when this happened their marketing person went off on her own to start her own gig and they needed an extra hand around the place.  I am hoping to eventually move into a Junior Adviser role, but there are things to learn, tests to take, licenses to earn so until then I'm kind of a "jack of all trades" -- and I love it!!  The industry is interesting to me -- this firm specializes in retirement -- and anyone who knows me in real life knows how much I {heart} paperwork. . .it's a great fit.  I work with five other terrific people and the hours can't be beat!  Since it was advertised as part-time I asked for Wednesday mornings off to continue with my Bible Study Fellowship and get to keep up with that too!! 
Oh, and I also get to dress up :)  This is me one Friday morning getting "approval" from Margaret -- I play tennis Friday morning at 7 and then go straight to work from there.  Told you my job fit into my life perfectly!

Speaking of tennis. . .Frederick is playing in a fall league with his school. . .they have had three matches so far. . .
This one they (Frederick and his partner) won easily but the next two they lost. . .they are playing against some good players!  
The second picture is from last week -- Frederick is in the grey in the back -- they were just warming up at this point I think.  We were in a location I hadn't been before (quite a drive from our school) and the mountains were beautiful!!

The girls had quite a season this year. . .they both had to play on the JV squad because they were transfer students (from a local private school) and had played varsity for that team last year.  We were blessed as a team with a dad who attended most games and took hundreds (thousands?) of pictures for the team.

Last night (October 10th) was supposed to their last night on the varsity bench before getting to join their HS team on the field (they have been attending varsity games and practices since the JV season has been over).  This was their second game in the district playoffs and their team lost.  We are all so disappointed.  For the team, of course, but also because the girls sat out their "sentence" so well all year and now they don't get to play in even one varsity match-up this year.  Sigh.  I'm proud of them, their hard work, their dedication, and their coach's belief and encouragement.  I don't think they would have made a difference in the outcome, but they didn't have the chance to even be a part of the "losing".  The year rule is dumb but understandable. . .this was a hard lesson/consequence for all of us.  The blessing in it was the coach saying to us (in reference to Marie playing on JV and being the natural leader there), "the players play their best when Marie is on the field because she is positive and encouraging and makes them want to play their best".  So there's that. . .the Lord once again strengthening her leadership skills and putting her where HE needed/wanted/used her for His glory.

The BRIGHTER part of yesterday was a surprise drive-thru visit from Aunt Susie!!!
She walked in as the girls were leaving for their game. . .
She was only able to stay for 30 minutes or so, but it was GREAT to see her!!  She was on her way to MI from FL and we live right off the highway -- we love, love drop-in visitors :)

Miss Marie happened to have made some of her famous "Laura's Cookies" (a pretty close replica of Dorthy Lane Market's). . .and since Aunt Susie was heading north and will be seeing my mom today we sent some with her for the two of them.

 These are always such a treat to have around the house. . .

The Bells were here last weekend then headed to Chattanoonga to see the sights down there -- they really like to travel. Thomas sent me some pictures yesterday -- looks like he has had some time to spend with his grandparents while they are there.

It was kinda neat. . .when they were leaving on Sunday Thomas said, "whenever you have left I have always said, 'I wish I could go with you' and now today my dream is coming true!  I'm going with you when you leave."  Ha!  (Thomas goes to school in Chattanooga.)  Their relationship is so special. . .
Saturday we did some landscaping. . .and my caption for this picture was "the reason we have children -- cheap labor" -- hahahahaha. . .not cheap at all but worth every penny and more!!!
 It was kind of fun to all get out there and work together -- Nancy had brought some peonies down for us to re-plant. . .she did this when we lived in middle TN too and they took off beautifully! 
We have a bare wall in the backyard behind the garage that was calling out for something. . .
Job well-done. . .it took about 1.5 hours for six of us to clear and dig. . .plus Nancy to guide in the planting and Fred to haul material from here to the back of the yard to dump.  Margaret even figured out the arrangement of 5 pink and 3 red plants. . .

So I'll end this "Life Lately" post the way I began it -- with the Bells.  My friend from BSF introduced us to a place in town -- Pete's Coffee Shop -- and we all loved it!!  Saturday is the Farmer's Market on Market Square so we headed down there (bought all of our vegetables for dinner that night!) and stopped into this place for breakfast/lunch.  We went together after Frederick's tennis lesson and the girls' 9 a.m. HS soccer game.  This place is a "keeper" -- we'll be back!
I can't look at these pictures and not fall in love with my family over and over again.  What amazing blessings the Lord has bestowed on us!!

