17 Things from 2017

These are certainly in no order and after completing 17 things. . .there are so many more to add!!  Reviewing a  year like this brings such joy and fullness in my heart.
1.)  Robert's graduation definitely defined our year.  He did not have the "typical" first-child-graduating- from-high-school experience. . .between our move his sophomore year to leaving soccer his junior year he didn't have much to "leave behind".  He actually "graduated" in December 2016 but wasn't eligible to walk until May with the rest of his class -- which he chose not to do.  I'm forever grateful that my sister insisted on marking this milestone with a trip down here
and we ended up with a BBQ at our house with a few friends and some family.  As we look ahead, we have many more graduations to look forward to in our lives!
2.)  This picture actually sums up two major things in 2017 -- the inauguration of President Donald Trump and one of my last images in the classroom.  I had no idea at the time that, in less than a month, I would leave the classroom and not return.  Even though it hasn't been quite a year (as of this writing) my emotions are still confused but not as sad. . .I miss the kids, the atmosphere, and, of course, teaching.  I do NOT miss the amount of work and how much it took away from my family.  I do not miss constantly being judged and talked about and rated and "never being enough".  Sometimes in life we feel we don't have enough time. . .this was one of those times.  Onward and forward though!  The Lord, in all of His mercy, walked me through this very difficult transition and His presence was felt every step of the way.  He is faithful and good and although I may never, in this life, understand giving me something I loved so much and then taking it away the goodness in it all were the relationships I made, the lessons I learned, and that He can be trusted.

Valentine's Day and these sweet kiddos.
3.)  Margaret loves Valentine's Day!  It's always kind of been "her" day. . .she buys gifts, takes care to wrap them. . .she is really awesome.  In 2017 the other two got up extra early to make gluten-free apple fritters/donuts for their dad and their teachers.  They loved and invested so much into their teachers at CCS and this is just one of the many examples of their hearts.
Marie participating in her school's 4.)  Science Olympiad.  She was so proud to be a part of this team, worked really hard, and had a little recognition for her investment.  Tom got to spend the day with her when she competed :)

5.)  Robert was invited, and then attended, Cookeville High School's prom.He got to go with his good friend Makayla from Camp.  It was really neat that he was able to return to his old HS and his grade-school/middle school/freshman friends to close out this chapter of his life.  I loved seeing these two all dressed up and, although he's not much of a formal-type person, it was an experience I'm glad he had :)
6.)  Frederick's first HS tennis team!  Although he was only in 8th grade, this was a junior team just starting out.  He was by far the best player on the team (ha!  doesn't say much for the team!) but he was a good sport and got some experience in.  I loved that Coach Frost one day told us that he was proud of Frederick -- not for his athletic ability but for his kindness and patience and encouragement on the court.  Most of the players were brand-new to the sport (like the two pictured here -- Hi Marla!) and his double's partner (on the far left). . .his coach said "you know the caliber of the player when the best player recognizes, encourages, and cheers on the lowest player on the team".  We could not be more proud of the heart the Lord is developing in Frederick.
7.)  Our trip to Florida (minus Marie -- she was in HH with Marla)!!  It was a cold, chilly week in the Tampa Bay area but it was wonderful being with Uncle Brad and Aunt Kristin and finding things to do besides sunning all day.  Sigh.  Not the trip we set out for, but still one we would repeat even knowing that "plans" weren't going to work out :)
(And I just realized I did not blog about this trip -- boo!)
8.)  Not long after that trip, my mom, sister, and I headed back down that way for a sad occasion -- the memorial service of my cousin, Steve, pictured above in the sunglasses with his family.  Writing about that loss is a reminder that we all need to remember, especially in the "hard" seasons. . .life is fleeting, tomorrow is never promised, and love endures.  
9.)  Frederick and Tommy working together on his Omaha Beach project for school.  They put hours and hours in on this project -- they did such a great job!

10.)  A State Champion!!!  It was so exciting!  Tom, her friend Kris, and I traveled to Memphis for Marie's travel team and they won State!!!  A huge accomplishment for her -- she played every single minute of every single game as a team leader in the midfield :)
11.)  It wouldn't be summer without Cedar Lake Camp. . .the above picture was taken when we went to celebrate the Camp's 75th anniversary and I was so excited to get the picture below from Robert one day the week they were all away. . .
I love that they were all together :)
12.)  Miss Margaret got her temps. . .and since then she has driven through our garage wall, damaging the lawnmowers and putting some pretty big holes in the dry wall.  No one will ever let her forget it.  Tom is really good about getting her out to practice and she drives us to church and home most Sundays.
13.)  We were at Cedar Lake for Father's Day. . .all together, which is all that matters :)
14.)  A new deck this year -- it's gorgeous!!  Marie and Tom stained the entire thing themselves. . .
15.)  A last trip with the boys the week before school started.  My fourth (!!!) trip to my favorite state -- Florida -- by then.  It was a terrific week catching up with longtime friends.
16.)  Many, many weekends on the lake this year.  I think we only went 2-3 times in 2016 so this was a fun summer for us!
17.)  This gorgeous girl attended her new high school's Homecoming this year -- she may be our third, but is the first to attend any formal dance besides the Prom that Robert attended, only because he was asked -- ha!

I have several more memories of the year that I would love to post. . .maybe I needed to do 20 things in 2017 -- ha!

It was a year full of milestones, accomplishments, new endeavors (changing schools again for the younger three, college for Robert, a new career path for me). . .traditions such as Thanksgiving in Murfreesboro and Christmas in Dayton. . .and growth in all of us.  I love that we are stable -- loving living in Knoxville with no eye to "the next move" -- yet not stagnant. . .continuing to learn, grow, and hone our skills.  We are growing relationships, trying new things, and improving in areas we want to be better in.  As of this writing, on January 4, 2017, Tom is working mad hours as production at his office has increased, I am studying for my securities (and eventually some insurance) licenses, Robert is in Haiti on his first mission trip after completing a first semester away from home in college, Marie is beginning to seriously look at her college options and has stepped it up in travel soccer hoping to make it part of her college experience, Margaret has a HS GPA average of 4.0 going into her second semester as a sophomore, looking forward to her spring soccer season, and Frederick just competed in his first "real" tennis tournament with an expectation of playing on his high school tennis team this spring.  I can't wait to look back next year and see where we all are :)

Happy 2018 to all -- I think I may do "17 pictures from Christmas 17" now :)

