Right Now

The kids and Tom are skyping with Fred & Nancy. . .so much fun!!!
Tom bought a camera for his parents this Christmas and they try to talk about once a week.  It is really cool.
I love the looks of joy on the kids' faces when they see Nana and Grandpa each week :)

And it is cool because Nancy offered to re-cover my bar stools for my birthday present and she took one home. . .when one was covered she could show it to me!!!  Then they sent paint samples because they are going to paint them too (I know, I have *awesome* in-laws). . .tonight we were able to hold up the samples that we liked the best :)

It's a school night. . .too late for too much. . .we did end up "getting it all in" on Saturday. . .the little kids and I only made it through the first half of the first game of the University basketball game we went to but the other three made it all the way through the game :)

And Thomas's soccer team came in second place at his indoor tournament. . .yea!! 

Unfortunately Tom was working all day and couldn't make it to see any of it. . .Thomas did really, really good.

Marie has her first lacrosse game this Saturday -- looking forward to that.

Friday is our last day of school for two weeks. . .yea!

I have to give up on pictures. . .Blogger is acting really weird tonight and it's taken over an hour to just get these few pictures up. . .I really didn't have that many from the tourney this weekend anyway. . .

Fun to have a bit of time for a quick post tonight regardless.

Four more days of school. . .this has been such an unexpected turn in the road in our lives.

~ Jenni


  1. Fun to stay connected with loved ones...my sister is enjoying skyping with her son (my nephew) who is in Africa right now.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog with the nice comment.

    Happy almost spring break.


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