Friday Favorites - 5.24.24 - Graduation edition


Where to start?!?  What a busy, fun, and life-changing few weeks we have had!
Two weeks ago Erin picked out her graduation gift - a puppy from the shelter. . .
Last week these last two graduated and we had a big family celebration for them. . .
And tomorrow Tom & I head out for our second European vacation in two years :)

I'm joining up for Friday Favorites with Erika and Andrea - click on either of these links to visit them and others!
In 2021 our first walked the stage at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga in a mask, with only four tickets allowed so his grandparents were there with us to witness his accomplishment "live".

We went back to the house he was living in at the time and took photos then went out to eat together.  It was a nice day and although the entire family couldn't be together, this was the first graduation for any of the kids (this one and #2 finished HS in December and didn't want to walk in May, the third wanted to walk but it was 2020, and the fourth was the same year as this and he didn't want to either)
We had a party for them together at our house that the Ohio Family came down for :)
Then, last year, #2 graduated from the University of Tennessee while her grandfather was in the hospital preparing for quadruple by-pass surgery - Nana broke out of the hospital long enough to to be there with us

Two engineers down; two Haslam College of Business grads to go. . .
Not only was the entire family there to finish this up but
These awesome friends showed up too :)
There were more that stopped by the party the next day, but, unfortunately, pictures were not taken for some reason - I was completely off my game :(
My niece came in from Nashville, but this is all I got - 
We were still at our house preparing for the party - Stephen asked our framily neighbors if they would host since they have such a big beautiful space outside to entertain.  Again, I have NO idea why I forgot to get pictures of the grads (I tried for a 3-generational one at the end and got no cooperation). . .too little too late.  I happened to snag this on my way in, then everyone cut into it before I got the Grads together with it. . .

I *did* remember food pictures - we did fajitas - steak, chicken, and shrimp
I must have snagged this while I was on the deck getting food pics - we had about 20 people and 3 dogs during the party.
And, I did forget that they agreed to this ONE picture with our very special travel friends who we went to Greece with last year.  Tom & I will be heading off with them and almost 50 others to Italy tomorrow!!

The other BIG life-changing news is the addition of this guy to our family - Erin's adoption of Radar on Mother's Day:
He has quickly fit in with the family.  Erin decided to move back home after graduation because she took a local accounting job and wants to save up for a house.  She fixed up the basement for herself and Radar and it is all working out really well.  It has been a lot of fun for the people in the house to have him around. . . the doggie. . .well. . .she's not so happy about it.
I would be annoyed if the "baby" came in and took over my bed too. . .especially when he has this sweet set-up across the room!! 

These two are two peas in a pod (this was at graduation, inside the house, linked together)
Yes, he sleeps a lot - he is a puppy - but also has TONS of energy when he is awake.  
He doesn't like his crate but that is Erin's "problem", I think he knows his name, definitely knows Erin's voice and that he belongs to her, and can walk with Chelsea on a leash pretty well.  This was heading out on their morning walk yesterday:
He had his first vet appt last week and she thought that he was a lab-border collie-hound mix.  Pretty good traits!!

Well that's it for now. . .off to tennis, a little grocery run for the kids who will be staying at the house while we are gone, finish packing and then Nashville, Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento, & Capri with these folks :)

Love, Jenni


  1. Congratulations on you graduates and your new grand-puppy! Have a fabulous trip!

    1. Congrats to you too! Nashville is a great place for Grace to land :)

  2. Congratulations and GO VOLS : ) My hubs is from Maryville. Enjoy your fabulous trip...those are some beautiful places to see!

  3. Congratulations! My oldest went to UTC and stayed in Chattanooga. Happy travels!

  4. What a wonderful, exciting time you have all been having!
    It sounds like a great celebration even if you did forgot to take photos. You sometimes just have to be in the moment.
    Aww! How lovely to have your girl home and the bonus of the doggie. hehehe
    Have a wonderful trip!!


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