Five Things I Would Not Like to Live Without


I saw a lot of the bloggers I regularly follow were linking up to this party today and it's had me thinking.  Many of the items they have mentioned are things I might not have thought of had I not read their posts first. . .but. . .trying to think of my own list.
I guess first we would have to put a disclaimer in that we can't include things like house, vehicle, family, pets, job, Jesus. . .I mean there are my five (six, unless I can count pet with the family) and if that's all I had in the world I really couldn't WANT for anything, right?
But, for fun, five luxuries I wouldn't want to live without. . .
My iPad - seriously, I do everything on it except blog.  I read blogs and books, listen to my audiobooks, listen to music/podcasts, play games, do internet research, facetime, use the notes app, text, social media. . .really, everything but make a phone call.  A lot of bloggers said they couldn't live without their phones. . . I need it for work (duo authentication), talk to my parents, and all my shopping bar codes but if I leave it behind I really don't care.
My heated mattress pad - for real, I am cold all the time and this is a luxury I have come to depend on along with my heated throw in the living room, my battery-operated handwarmers, and the fireplace.  The heated mattress pad (duel controls - don't worry, Tom isn't sweated out of bed) is one of the best gifts ever. 
Ice - I had to ask my guys who are home (Tom & Stephen) and they both said "ice".  They are right!  I want ice in everything - I only like my water and soda and seltzers FULL of ice.  It is actually hard in Europe to not start my day with my cup full of ice and water and drink mix.  (I know - boohoo - these are luxuries, I know)
Pickleball/Tennis - ask anyone who knows me. . .if I have to go 2-3 weeks without being on the court I am NOT a fun person.  I really wish I could play more.  There was a time, when I didn't work/worked PT, that I played 5-6 days a week.  That is something I had to give up to work FT (not as many people like to play in the evenings) - I look forward to the day that I can play during the day again.
People - I love to be around people.  This is one thing I've struggled with in my last two jobs because engineers and accountants are exactly "people people".  I'm married to an engineer to top it off.  My best friends live out of state.  I know I can't live without people because I'm currently in a pretty lonely season of life and it is tough.  I need to figure this part out - and I will :). But this is about 5 things I don't want to live without so here you go.

This was a fun little link-up and something I'll be able to look back on in 10 years and see if anything changes (I'm sure it will!).  I wonder what I "couldn't live without" 5 years ago?  Hmmmmm. . .

The party is here is if you want to go see what others are saying :)

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh yes I love ICE cold drinks chuck full of ice... especially the "softer" nugget ice because I love to crunch on ice (and since I pretty much never drink hot drinks ice would be a tough thing to live without).

    1. I couldn’t believe I couldn’t think of that one on my own ;) I guess I was thinking more “things” versus consumable items. This was a fun link-up - thanks for stopping by!

  2. How fortunate are we to have everything that we need? I thought of that yesterday as I wrote my own post, but it's fun to think about things like this. I loved reading everybody's answers! I also love being around people. I'm an introvert, but the extroverted kind of introvert if that makes sense. I genuinely miss people when I'm not around them, and though I was shy as a young child, as an adult I've never met a stranger! I love meeting new people and getting to know them.

    1. I often think how well we would get along, especially with our love for working, but working with a purpose, and that introverted-extroverted mix. Thanks for stopping by and inspiring me to just WRITE :) I spend way to much time “thinking” about it :/

  3. Fab list! Your heated mattress pad sounds amazing! I could do with one of them.

    1. Do it!!! My husband now turns my side on when he goes to bed so my side is already warm when I get there :)

  4. Ice! I forgot about that one for my list. And extra important to have Chick Fil A or Sonic ice (small cubes.)

  5. Ah, pickleball. I think more and more folks are getting to where they have to have their court time. I've yet to try it (so slow to new trends) but it does sound fun!

  6. I too couldn't live without people and get lonely easily. And yes, I love ice too!


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