Day in the Life - January 2024

It's been a minute or three. . .wow, this year just came in and got busy FAST!  I went full-time at work in December and have not adjusted to that schedule at all. . .or I have adjusted and taken any time I used to blog out.  I am not even doing a very good job of keeping up with all my favs (in my sidebar) either :(

I noticed a new journaling app on my phone yesterday - I randomly opened it and stared journaling!  It turned into a Day in the Life post so I thought I'd go with it.  I remember I documented a day in February in pictures last year and never got around to actually blogging the day so thought maybe if I just took screenshots (although you'll see I couldn't help myself on some entries and uploaded actual pictures) I might have a shot at getting a post out :)

Here goes. . .

I moved from my bed to the recliner right next to it after my 6:15 alarm rang. . .I give myself this unstructured time each morning to listen to my Bible app, catch up on blogs, whatever, then have a 7 a.m. alarm go off to tell me to get moving for the day - ha!  Tom happened to call right after I turned off the alarm.

10:21 a.m. - even the pup is having nothing to do with this cold winter weather!

There were probably only a dozen or so of us in the office. . .many businesses were still closed and I don't think the mail ran.  Erin was in the office with me and Tom and Laura also went to work.  Stephen is in Ohio and Robert started his personal training job at a YMCA in Chattanooga today also!  The sun was out and I had run out of work that I could do at home so was happy I went in to catch up with stuff and people there.  I wanted to leave at 4:30 to give myself plenty of time to get home and to pickleball at 5:30 but got "stuck" (as sometimes happens) and didn't leave until 4:45.  The drive home wasn't any better or worse then going in - I took my pickleball stuff out of my car and jumped into Tom's truck and we headed to a new facility near us, The Pickleball Playground.  We had been there in September when they had a soft opening and then some guys I play with invited me over last week.  We try to keep Wednesday night Date Night so this was our "date" - ha!  I think we only played together twice :). I had a great time, Tom not so much.  It's a great facility. . .let's see how long I can go without joining. . .
We left there and went to Kroger for Tom's parents - they tried to get out of the neighborhood today but got stuck at the end of the street.  Truly, it was just too treacherous out for many people to get out - cold AND icy.  The shelves were really bare - their deliveries haven't been coming in the last couple of days.  Apparently the milk truck had just come and the guy went in the back to get the milk we needed for the Bells.  I got to talk to my mom on our way home, then called Robert to see how his first day at the Y went.  He and Ellie talked to me while I warmed up my soup and ate it - nice to "have dinner" with them :)
We watched Tom's favorite HGTV person, Jasmine Roth, and then hit the sheets.  It was a good, very "average" Day in the Life.


  1. I enjoyed your day in the life. What a cool journaling app. I'd say you were brave to get out in that ice!

  2. Not really “brave” - I grew up “up north” and do have a brand new vehicle with good tires. Plus hardly anyone goes out in this weather so it all worked out. More bad stuff coming so guessing I’m going to be happy I got out!


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