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Life Lately - December 2023

I got "guilted" into doing a card this year. . .I just didn't have the time and decided I was going to just skip it.  Then I started getting really great ones in the mail. . .and remembering people I'm not online with in any capacity so decided to do this instead and NOT pay for rush shipping.  This way I figure I have until the end of January to get the hard copies out and those that read my blog can consider this their holiday greeting from me :). It's been a GREAT year!!
I was on a call at work today and one of the first things mentioned was "you know, there are only 12 days left until Christmas" - WOW.

Here is a random picture of my desk area.  I show this for two reasons:  (1) I had my one-year anniversary at this firm yesterday!! and (2) they offered me a full-time position December 4th so here I am - working double the hours I'm used to and trying to adjust to this new schedule.
Yes, I wanted something a little more permanent and I really do like where I have landed (I mostly always do) so this is win-win for now.  My job responsibilities expanded - what I was doing (Learning & Development) was definitely NOT full-time worthy.  Someone left, another person combined her role with the one that left and I took another chunk of that position so here I am!  I have never, ever in my life had paid holidays (with teaching our contract was for 184 days) so this is a first for me :)
We had two new people in the front office this year and they decorated BIG for us:
I'm comfortable putting this picture here because it also was posted on LinkedIn :). That's another of my new duties - put content out on our LinkedIn page. . .I'm going to have to work on that.
We had our annual Christmas party today - last year it was held the week before I was hired so I missed out.  The people on the Fun Committee did a great job getting the training room ready for the lunch and party:
The table under the right screen were all "Secret Santa" gifts. . .the ones under the middle screen were a gift from one of the partners - kind of a "joke" follow-up from a previous game we played at another gathering earlier in the year.  The gifts in the middle of the tables were for a passing game - they contained "dollar tree" gifts and lottery tickets!  That was fun. . .I didn't win big money but it's been a long time since I've had a scratch-off!!  The partners catered a meal from a local restaurant and just went all out with this - I'm blessed to be a part of this team.
Someone at work told me about her church's annual Christmas concert so I got Tom and Laura to go with me :). It was a packed house - Chris Blue was a featured artist that night.  The music was spectacular and the Gospel was clearly presented.  I love live music. . .add Christmas to that and I can't be happier.
At one point the pastor of the church was trying to demonstrate the Light of Christ in a practical way.  He had the team turn off all the lights and asked everyone to shine their flashlights with their phones.  I thought this picture turned out so well.  The sanctuary was BRIGHT with just each of these individual lights shining. . .truly a great reminder of the light we carry within us if Jesus Christ is our Savior.
Who knows where Nana & Grandpa are looking???  At least one of our kids isn't "too old" to go walk around our local park, look at the lights, and get a picture with her grandparents :)
This little town does a great job of putting out this light display every year - and every year they add something new too!  It was COLD that night but worth the trip over.
It's really fun to drive by this in the early morning and at night - it spans at least an entire block!
Random gifts for no reason are called "I love you gifts" - I love to give them, but receiving them is so, so special.  Yesterday Stephen called me as I was leaving a meeting and asked if I could meet him outside, because he was driving by my office.  He had been shopping, saw this, and thought I would like it -- look how nice it looks by the front door!!  What a random, fun thing that made my day!
We had another adventure with the Greek Geeks.  These are people we met in Greece this year who became instant friends.  We live in kind of a "triangle" - each of us about 45 minutes from the other.  We live closest to a "big city" so generally they come here and we have an outing, although we've traveled together overnight since Greece too :)
Anyway, when we were at Greekfest we stopped by the Saganaki booth and met a father/son duo who own a restaurant, Kefi, downtown so we put that on our calendar as a future outing.  We went last Saturday and had a great time. . .bowling was also on the schedule but we couldn't reserve a lane and everywhere we showed up had a 1-3 hour wait!!!  Who knew bowling was so popular???  Anyway, we walked around downtown, dodged raindrops, and took some pictures :)

Unfortunately I won't have the actual item to give to my mom, dad, and brother this weekend, but it is done and ordered. . .a collection of pictures shared between our families throughout the year and then I compile for everyone at Christmas.  I just looked back - it looks like I created my first one in 2010!  These three family members have come to depend on this part of the calendar each year:
I am able to add a picture to each birthday and anniversary.  Last year I forgot to put Stephen's picture in and my dad completely forgot/skipped his birthday because there wasn't a picture!  Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone this year :)
I saved this on my phone. . .so, so true.  We get to travel to Ohio this weekend to be with my side of the family - looking forward to it!!  My brother will be there for the first time EVER and my cousin, who lives in Chicago, will be in town (complete coincidence) so she and her family are coming to celebrate with us.  I'm really, really looking forward to it.  
And that's what life has been like these days. . .we are traveling Friday so will definitely not be posting Friday Favorites. . .I hope I'll be able to re-cap our weekend sometime next week though :)




  1. Your Christmas card is very neat- what a great way to highlight the year´s events and blessings. The calendar is such a cool gift! I enjoyed reading this post! Hope your weekend is OH is a good one ;).

    1. Hey, I was just in your neck of the woods! Only made it as far as Centerville (Marions, Bill's Donuts, and Esther Price) this time. My son wanted to show off DLM too but time was short. My parents usually get their calendars at the family Christmas but they didn't arrive until I got home Sunday night so I'll mail them out this week.
      Blessings for a great week!!!


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