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Friday Favorites (on a Saturday) - November 2023

I love a full life and life has been FULL these past couple of weeks!!  Last night we had a family dinner with 11 family members (the 2 of us, all 4 kids, 2 grandparents, 2 adopted grandparents, and 1 girlfriend) - I'm glad I currently have a job that I don't have to go into work on Fridays!  It was very casual and I didn't ask anyone for a single picture :). We have a big birthday party next weekend where all of these people plus some will be here, then Thanksgiving, Foster Family Christmas, etc. so I know I have opportunities to fill my photo files in the upcoming months.

So the biggest event in the last two weeks is this girlie's birthday.  We rarely have celebrated ON her day because of the time of year (and the "party" is next weekend with her brother) but we were able to get some of her siblings home, some of her friends over, and all the grandparents down the street to come over for dinner with a few gifts and cards.
Here we go. . .I will still link up with Andrea and Erika in case that is where you find me each week and it gives you a chance to check in with other Friday Favorite bloggers.
These are in no particular order. . .just remembering the last couple weeks of October 2023 and our launch into November.  As so many other people in blogland are so happy to see this time of year to come around I'm like "eh".  Don't get me wrong, I love the craziness of the holidays, football Saturdays, and fall leaves.  I HATE colder weather, the time change, and the "indoor life" that comes along with the next 5 months.  So.  Keeping it upbeat around here, though, because I am blessed to wake up every day next to Tom, in a beautiful home, in a city I love living in, and having time to not only do essentials but also pursue activities I enjoy - work, tennis, pickleball, reading, dinners with friends and family, etc.  Here we go!

Cedar Lake Camp had their annual dinner and auction the day after Laura's birthday so I worked until 4 EST and jumped in the car to be in Cookeville by 5 CST.  Traffic wasn't too bad - it was an easy drive.  None of my Knoxville family could come this year but I ran into these two family favorites:
I love that some of the kids' friends have become people I consider friends too.  My overnight accommodations fell through (my friend was sick) so I hit Emmie (on the right) up last-minute and she let me stay with her!  I really enjoyed that unexpected time with her without the kids around - both these girls are "like siblings" to all four of our kids.     
I made myself the greeter as people came into the venue (the weather was beautiful) and I snapped this picture:
Fall was showing off in middle TN!!!
We had a silent auction set up, I tried something new and made water bottles for each table so the tables could "bid" on them to take home as a favor, we catered a "campfire dinner", had some speakers, a video, and had a lively live auction.  It was a great night!!
The next morning the board president and I went out to camp to work on Thank You notes to all of our generous donors from the evening.  It is a privilege to be a part of this organization.

Tom was up winterizing the boat 30 minutes or so from Camp so we tried to meet up for lunch when I left but it didn't work out so I just headed straight to Ohio to spend the weekend with my family there.
My sister and BIL have the most beautiful back porch and it was the perfect night to be out there with that roaring fire.  I tried to enhance the picture to show the true beauty of those trees but all it did was lighten up the picture (it was about 7 p.m. at this point and quite dark except the the glow of the candles and fire) - it is the most exceptional outdoor space I have ever enjoyed.

Family and friends that have become like family are the reason I look forward to my Ohio trips.  Saturday Jodi and I went to visit Pop Peth and Barb.
We have known them for over 30 years.  My sister dated their youngest son in high school, we all did Young Life, Barb was one of our school secretaries, I was friends with one of their daughters for many years. . .so many ties.  They live near where Jodi and I grew up and I always try to run by to see them when I'm up that way.  
We combined it with a trip to our favorite grocery, Dorthy Lane Market, then headed back to JVJ's house between the raindrops to take the doggies out.
That night my mom took me out to one of her favorite Chinese restaurants (so good!) but I am *terrible* at selfies so this is all I got:
Totally my fault that we don't know where to look :/. Oh, my sis and I also did a little shopping and the sweater my mom is wearing is an "I Love You" gift from me. . .JVJ got her a puffer vest. . .I'm sure she's thinking she should send us out shopping together more often!
We met my dad for church on Sunday halfway between where he lives and my sister and mom live.  It's the church JVJ and I attended in high school and then I continued going to church there on and off until about 2000.  I'm pretty sure both my oldest children were dedicated there.  I ran into Christine there - she is Pop Peth's and Barb's granddaughter.
Again, can't take a selfie. . .really should practice. I love running into her, her husband, and daughter.  I have known her since she was about 9 months old and stood up for her at her wedding.  My time up there was so limited this time I didn't get to many people but my family (the MAIN reason I was there, so no complaints!).  After church - it was a great service and a message series I intend to follow from East Tennessee - my dad, his wife, my sister and I went to breakfast.  Snagged a picture there
Pretty full weekend, starting Thursday night at the auction.  The weather was awful driving home (a lot of rain) but my last hour or so was clear and I am always, always happy to be back home.  We have a few more things planned together this year - I am so fortunate to have the family that I do :)
Beggar's Night was COLD.  Per tradition, the "old people" come down the street from their houses (the couple on the right are my in-laws landlords - they have two houses on their property up the street) and we all pass out candy together.  The night began a little warmer and we had cornhole set up for a few games.
We didn't have the amount of Trick or Treaters that we normally do - not sure if it is because it was a Tuesday night, it was cold, or there have been so many subdivisions put up around us in the past few years that the kids have other places to go.  Barbara and I walked around a bit, visited with several people who had fires going in their driveways - it is not unique for groups of adults to congregate together on October 31st - and picked up some candy for US.  The men did the shopping this year and we didn't have any chocolate to pass out - boo.  It's all a fun tradition.  We were wondering how long we've been doing this - I found a picture from 5 years ago, so at least that long!
Wednesday afternoon my office took all of us bowling!  
I honestly don't remember the last time I picked up a bowling ball - ha!  That is why I had to take a picture and put that first score I got on our family group chat - after that I never broke 100 :/. Oh well, it was fun to do this again and generous of our partners to take us to do it.  I work for an accounting firm and they just finished up the last tax season of the year and they felt everyone deserved an afternoon off.  They rented 6 lanes, had a buffet table, and gave us drink tickets.  I know, a far cry from PTO-sponsored lunches that we squeezed in during our 25-minute lunch break during the school day!  Honestly, though, those lunches were just as special and appreciated - just pointing out the difference between private business and public school.

The week ended with a COLD pickleball night Wednesday, tennis Thursday afternoon (and then pickleball again!), pickleball Friday morning. . .a pretty perfect week :). We also decided to purchase a new vehicle for me, something that we have been looking at/shopping for since July.  That might be a favorite next week - it should arrive at the dealership this weekend.

Onward and forward - it's taken me 24 hours to get this written in it's entirety. . .if I have a chance to NOT sit in front of a computer during the weekend it's hard for me to be disciplined to do so.  I've read many of the Friday Favorites in the linky party, though, and those ladies inspired me to finish this :)

Happy November!


  1. I enjoy catching up with the family through your blogs! Miss and love you all!💕

  2. You have been super busy- it all looks so good! Your bowling score was impressive- I would have taken a pic and sent it out, too ;). Glad SW Ohio treated ya well!! Our town has a Fairhaven satellite church whose youth group my daughter attended for a while (she had dance the night of our church´s youth group so she couldn´t attend our church´s). I have been in the corporate and education field as well. Schools can´t throw a candle to corporate sponsored events, but nothing says I am in best industry there is come late May... Just my opinion, anyway ;). Hope your weekend has been a good one so far.

    1. Maria, 100% agree with your last comment! I miss the classrooms that I left….today’s are not the same :(
      Dave Smith has been doing a great job with this recent sermon series - I think you would like it if you look them up. My sister usually attends at your satellite site.
      Thanks for catching up with me!


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