Friday Favorites Take Three

Happy Last Friday of September!!  And thank goodness we can still shed our sweaters/light coats in the afternoons. . .it could stay eighty degrees year-round and I would be a happy, happy girl :)

This is the THIRD "favorites" post I've started this month. . .maybe this time I'll publish it??

I'm uninspired to get on my computer these days -- just too many other things to do. . .but I do keep up with reading other blogs so it's time I invest a little time into mine :)

As always, I'm linking up (and you should too!) with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites.  Many great ladies in all stages of life sharing a little bit of their worlds on Fridays at the linky party too.

Here we go. . .

Apparently it was National Daughters Day this week on Facebook (anyone still post there??  I miss keeping up on FB) and I got to post my favorite girls
Every one of these pictures captures their personalities perfectly.  As with my sister and me, the taller one is the younger one :)
And then it was National Son's Day also?!?  I didn't make a collage for them. . .but this is what I posted:
They are just so great too.  Favorites, you could say :)
In keeping with "bah, humbug, Fall" I minimally decorated for the season
around here (but will admit that I do like the change-up in decor) and bought a mum yesterday.  I took a picture of the front porch so when I go out shopping again I can see what room I have for pumpkins or gourds or "whatever"
Nothing to be impressed with. . .but a start.
This is easily a favorite. . .
Our new door is finally installed!!!
This has literally taken three years. . .we ordered in 2020. . .supply chain, yada, yada. . .a year later the guy said it was in, we said, "call us to schedule for delivery". . .never happened.  Then, in July we went and ordered them again at a different place.  They were delivered several weeks ago, I got the outside trim painted and we just needed one of the boys free on a weekend day to get it done.

I love the new look SO MUCH.  Now my turn. . .gotta paint, Tom's going to get the molding up. . .they are beautiful!!
A favorite this week have been book reviews from so many of my favorite bloggers!
Shay, the one who I've taken the most recommendations from over the years.  I don't think I'm the only person "out there" that started intentionally reading again because of her influence.  
Andrea had a super review this week too -- I will be checking out many of the books she recommended.  I find that she and I seem to have a lot of the same taste in books and she also turns me on to others that I might have overlooked if I was just looking at "best sellers" or such.
Katie takes the summer off from blogging and did a big recap here.  LOTS of good recommendations across the board.  This week she also did a television/movie recap and we've already started on one of her recommendations (Full Swing).
Jen did a post also - I cannot wait to read The Senator's Wife after her review!!
Tanya did a review of the Marsh King's Daughter and I will probably buy that book to read (or, more likely, to listen to) - the wait at the library is too long.  She linked a preview of the upcoming movie based on the book -- sounds suspenseful!!
Shelly reviewed these books. . .she is the first person to make me want to read "Meet Me at the Lake" -- by the time the loan comes around for me at the library we should be deep into winter and I will need a light summer read by then - ha!

Whew, that was a lot of reading/linking (I tried to link every reviewer back to that post for you if you are interested - just click their names)!!  I know I also read 1-2 other book reviews this month but these were all outstanding and each has a book on their list that I put on hold or will try to purchase.  I've been reading, too, but my books are not nearly as interesting as their recaps ;)
Last Friday night we met some good friends for dinner. . .we met them through a small group at church and, although we are no longer a part of that group, we have stayed close to them.  They moved to East TN about the same time we did but live in a completely different area so we have to be intentional about meeting up, texting, etc.  This was such a fun night together!

That's it!  THIS one is going to get published -- better later than never, right??

Happy Weekend. . .we are heading to watch the Volunteers play the Gamecocks tomorrow night with the Greek Geeks (friends we made on our trip to Greece this summer) -- can't wait!!
Look, Alan is already dressed for the game. . .all the way back when we were in Athens!!
(A few of these people can't make it, but most of us will be there - the person taking the picture made all the arrangements - thank you!!)



  1. Fun post, lots of reading recommendations on the blogs you linked. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for visiting!! Hope you find a good book or two out of those posts :)

  2. Aww! Lovely photos of your children.
    What a drama getting your new door. It looks so good.

    1. It's never "easy" getting projects done - ha!!


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