Mother's Day Weekend 2017

The weekend ends and the week begins with the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!  I got "last day of school" pictures this morning because they all end on different days. . .I can't believe the year is over!
First Week of School - 2016
Funny that Margaret is wearing the same shirt :)  I will miss the days of uniforms next year -- uniforms are such an easy thing to maintain.  Both the girls hair has grown so much!

Saturday we began the day, bright and early, at Cedar Lake Camp!  
Annual picture - RT-18, SF-13, EM-14, LM-16
They had their annual kick-off and 5K race and we were there at 7 a.m. to help set up, etc.  The kids were super-excited to be back at camp (Thomas and Marie leave next Sunday to begin their summer there. . .counselor and junior counselor) and reunite with friends as well as meet new people who might be coming through to check the camp out.

This is one of the most beautiful places and it was a perfect (if a bit chilly) day for the kick-off.
I love the look of delight always present on Thomas's face when he is here, in his element. . .

This was race registration.  He needed "help" getting his number pinned on. . .

And they are off!!

One of the counselors was taking pictures along the route and we were sent this gem:

Thomas came in second, at 23-some (winner came in at 21:06) to secure second place overall, first place in his age division.

This girl knocked us off our feet when she came up, running in third place, first female overall!  This is her first ever 5K and only the second time she has ever run that distance all at once.

We were proud of Margaret, too, running her first 5K also. . .

Maybe you register her shock, here at the awards, when she found out she was first in her age division!!  Yay!

The day included games, food, canoeing, and tours of the camp. . .

We met some of Thomas's Cookeville friends in town for a late lunch and then raced back home so Frederick could shower and change for his 8th grade dance:
Yes, he did wear shoes. . .I was lucky to get this picture -- he was running late because the shorts (!?!) he wanted to wear weren't clean. . .so now what shoes to wear with pants???  We spent more time shopping for his shirt and tie then I ever have shopping for a dress with either of my girls - ha!
While he was at his dance, my beautiful, gorgeous, all-grown-up (almost) niece was attending her junior prom 200+ miles away. . .
Jodi & AVJ prom 2017
Yes, that would be my taller, blonder, younger, smarter, prettier sister with AVJ :)  I am one lucky person, to be related to so many beautiful, kind, generous, nice people!!

 Mother's Day began perfectly with strawberry shortcake, a flower arrangement Margaret made, and cards. . .

We headed to church and then Costco (what is a Sunday without a grocery run???).  Costco is important because that is where we purchased my gift -- flowers!!
 I always love it when my family plants annuals for me Mother's Day weekend. . .this year it was, instead, a couple of knockout rose bushes and two potted plants  :)

Meanwhile, in OH, my mom was celebrating with some of her favorites. . .

You decide which is her favorite. . .(one dog and one son-in-law not pictured. . .)

Back in TN this boy was busy with our neighbors, redeeming his Christmas present which was to learn how to turn pens. . .
Lesson from Barbara

How the pen begins. . .

Patience. . .

Getting there. . .

These are the kits
And, amazingly, this is a finished product, done completely by Frederick!!!

He is making five of these -- one for each of his special teachers.  Frederick has always loved pens, even asking for them as gifts :)  Last year he was really impressed seeing some at the Farmer's Market -- but so pricey at $50-$100 each!
He even learned how to put the grooves in the pens. . .he made three lines for his male teachers and four lines for his female teachers.  What a neat kid, to spend so much time and thought on these year-end gifts. . .I'm really proud of him and thankful for the heart God gave him.

This was such an incredible weekend -- perfect weather, LOTS of together-time, and relaxing.  I failed to mention that I spent a good amount of time on our new deck -- a project completed just in time for this beautiful spring/summer weather!!
The dog likes it too. . .
Lots still on the calendar for May. . .
~ Thomas's last week interning (he finished his classes two weeks ago)
~ Good-bye party for sweet Marla
~ GRADUATION (officially) for Thomas - family coming to celebrate and fill my house!!
~ State soccer tournament (Marie)
~ Margaret turns 15 (and gets her driving permit!)

Here's to enjoying the next half of the month :)
