Technology Tickets

I have tried everything this small brain knows to rotate the picture -- can't figure it out.

Anyway, I have had a few more questions on my summer Technology Tickets so thought I'd write a quick post.

They change each year, depending on the season of life we are in and our family's goals and objectives for that year. 

I fill them out the night before and leave them on the counter.  They check off their items as they do them and then bring it to me to give an "OK".  No big deal.

There is no time limit on these. . .I have had to institute "no television in the living room if everyone is not done" because it is distracting.  Other than that, if they don't do them I (try) not to fuss.  Yesterday Marie did NOT want to fold the laundry so she just never had television/computer/game privileges.  No big deal.  I did put it back on her ticket today because I need it done, but it's not in addition to two more jobs. . .just one of 2.

Sometimes the jobs are personal to them, like "empty your laundry basket" or "clean your cubby" but mostly they are family jobs like vacuum, clean a bathroom, etc.  There are some jobs that they need help with so it will say, "work on flowers with Mom" -- I like those jobs!

So. . .there you have it.  They also have "regular" chores (mow the lawn, water flowers, feed the dog, trash, etc.) but that is just expected and not related to technology privileges.  Do what works for you!!!

This year (since the pictures are hard to read -- sorry!!) this is what they look like:

              All clothes and towels in your bedroom picked up and put away
              Bed made – blankets folded
              Daily chores:                                                                                    
              45 minutes reading – from                           to                                       
              Exercise or play outside for 45 minutes.  15 minutes must be structured – running/walking, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping on trampoline, juggling soccer ball, etc. – please list that part here:

 Hope this helps you structure your summer if you are the type that likes that sort of thing -- I know many, many people would cringe at something like this because summer is for FUN and RELAXATION!!!  I promise, we have plenty of that too. . .I just need this little bit of structure going on too -- teacher in me or not :)

~ Jenni

