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POTD 03.01.13 - don't have one!

I don't have one!!!  I thought I did and went through both my photo cards. . .oh well.  Everyone kind of expected a snow day on Friday too (because more snow was predicted) but we went in.  On time.  It was the last day before Spring Break so that was good for me.  Our teaching team had planned all teaching in the morning and then a reward day in the afternoon -- Thomas brought in our Wii to hook up for my students to play.  During lunch we found out that school was going to let out an hour early due to "threatened" bad weather so our reward time was cut in half but that wasn't a big deal.  All activities were canceled for the afternoon/evening so the kiddos and I just stayed at school with another teacher's kid and they played the Wii and on computers while I cleaned my room and did some grading.  When we drove home at 6:30 there still wasn't any "bad weather".  Oh well.
One thing I *love* about our school calendar are our 2-week fall and spring breaks!

OK, I can't stand signing off without a picture. . .here's one from my phone. . .flowers Tom sent to me at school for my birthday this year :)
