
NOTHING!  I realized too late that I didn't take any pictures today. . .we had school then I did some work after school. . .Tom came by with pizzas and took Frederick to his Y soccer practice. . .we met him later at Thomas & Marie's weekly soccer training. . .Margaret and I went back to school and stayed kind of late -- me doing some research for a grant proposal that our teaching team is applying for through our county and Margaret playing on the computer.  It was a low-key way to begin a busy weekend. 

On tap:
Thomas refs at 9, 10, and 11 a.m.
Marie has training from 10:45-12:30
Frederick has a noon game
Margaret has a Cheer clinic from 1-3
Margaret has a b'day party from 4-6
Thomas has select practice at 4:30
We're hanging out with friends later that evening. . .snacks and cards
Marie has games at 11, 1:15, and 3:45 (Tom has had a leadership role in setting up all these teams coming in)
Thomas is reffing games from 12:30-5 p.m.
Church for the rest of us
Rotary practice for Frederick at 2:30
Friends over after the games for sandwiches
~somewhere in there I need to grade papers :)

So a quiet Friday night was a good thing :)
