
TOO TIRED TO THINK.  That's what I said to Frederick when he asked me if I wanted a "small glass or big glass" of juice at dinner tonight.  I said I was too tired to make that decision.

No picture of the day.  I knew I didn't have one about 8:15 and was just too tired to go out to the car to get the camera and try to find something to take a picture of.

Busy day. . .

6:55 - out the door with all 4 kiddos because I have car duty this week

7:45-8:55 - plan time. . .get prepared for the day!

9-3 - teach, teach, teach. . .I didn't even eat lunch (catching up on grades and e-mails) and existed on left-over candy in my drawer until way after school.

3:15-4:30 - faculty meeting -- Thomas had soccer practice, I missed my tennis practice (and then I was told that coaching responsibilities trump faculty meetings -- who knew??? -- and so I was bummed because it was a *perfect* day to be outside on the courts!)

*I ended up paying someone $50 to do my car duty this week. . .he was going to take my afternoon duty anyway but said he prefers to do both morning and night so I laid out the money and will be happy the kids get some extra sleep in the mornings this week.

4:30-5:30 - finally eat my lunch, make up a worksheet for Wednesday, run copies, text/talk to other tennis coaches about the season. . .kids work on their homework

5:30 - leave school to take Marie to her soccer practice. . .Thomas stayed with her at the fields. . .

6-6:45 - back to school for a parent HS meeting for Thomas (can't believe it's that time already!). . .little two stuck in meeting with Tom and me

6:45-7:30 - back to my classroom to finish up a few things for the day. . .Tom made his way to the soccer fields because he manages Marie's team

8-8:45 - eggs and toast for dinner. . .Tom and older kids got home and ate fridge leftovers

9 p.m. - I went to bed with the kiddos!

Here's a (very blurry) video that I found in a recent phone dump. . .video of Margaret at her gym. . .
