16 Days (I'm trying)

I'm trying. . .really, I am.  I began this post two Saturdays ago. . .and this is as far as I got. . .my family started getting up and then it was time for this-and-that. . .breakfast, a nap (ha!), Upwards ball, errands, a date compliments of my dad (!!!).  Sunday came and went with church and a lot of schoolwork.  Sigh.  I still think it's worth publishing because it's a good memory. . .a good Picture of the Day.

The kids and I have been back in school for 16 days.  That's 4 complete weeks with two holidays (New Years and MLK Day) and two snow days. It's been a busy time!

My dad is down for the weekend.  It is just after 7 a.m. on Saturday morning.  As soon as Frederick got up he ran out to the car to get his Bible and now they are sitting here reading together.
It's so cute.  Frederick is really intense about his reading. . .he's been saving it up to share with Grandpa Foster.  This bible was a birthday gift in September from Grandpa so that's special too.
I'm on the sofa, editing pictures for my dad. . .it is SO MUCH FUN to look at these older pictures! (We got him a digital picture frame a few years ago for Christmas and periodically he remembers to ask me to load new pictures on. . .) there are over 1200 on the jump drive right now. . .I could spend all day doing this!!!
Yea, working on the flash drive for the frame did take many, many hours that weekend but that's a fun job :)  It's fun to look back. . .especially at the little, little kids ours once were. . .Tom bought a scanner for me so my summer goal is to get all of our hard copies on the computer too.  We'll see. . .the albums I made my nieces for Christmas kind of inspired me to do the same for my kiddos. . .maybe for birthdays though. . .
