Christmas 2011

O.K., I simply and completely give up on this post.  I started it on December 28th.  I've been working on completing it off-and-on since then, and put a couple hours into it today.  It's gone.  Completely gone.  I could cry, but I'm not going to.  I'm going to brush of the perfectionist Jenni and just move forward. 
Christmas Eve with cousins, prime rib, the *best* onion rings ever compliments of Uncle Brian. . .
Grandma got all the Bell kiddos snuggies. . .they turned out to be a *huge* hit!
My favorite gift to give this year were 2011 photo books that I made for each of my nieces:
And the best gift received (besides the gift of Jesus Christ, of course) was a scrapbook Tom's mother made for him.  It documents his life from birth to our wedding day.
Here he, his sister Kathy, and Thomas are looking through it the first time
This great group grew up together. . .neighbors and best of friends.  Sister-brother Kathy (UT) and Tom (TN) and sister-sister Debbie (CA) and Jennifer (OH).  Hiking together Christmas Day was always a tradition for  the families growing up but this is the first year in quite a few that it happened again.  10 adults, 4 kids, and 4 dogs. . .we were quite a parade at the park!

Oh how I hoped to have a very comprehensive post with lots of pictures and journaling but Google lost it (I think?!?).  I can't sign off until I post just a few more pictures of our wonderful day:
Max & Thomas
Margaret and her American Girl Doll that has a very special story that I will share with her when she is older (it's another one of those "most special gifts" of Christmas)
Marie and Frederick gave all the grandparents and aunts/uncles snowglobe ornaments and to-do lists
The always-elusive picture with Grandpa Fred :)
And a special picture with Aunt Kathy

And now, moving onward and forward. . .Happy New Year everyone!!!  I just got the New Years cards in the mail today and our annual letter printed up. . .hopefully we'll find some time to get those out this week :)  We are ready to begin our new adventure tomorrow -- finally.  The kids have either met their new teachers or know their class schedules. . .now it's time to put it all into action!

