Right Now

It is a gray, rainy day.  Right now it is drizzling.
Yea, you can't tell though, can you?
 This is some sort of kicking-the-balls-at-one-another game.  I was just taking pictures. . .and getting wet.

They love jumping on the trampoline when it's raining or snowing and slipping and sliding around.  Rain is better because they put on swimsuits or something else that is just as easy to dry. . .
 One of the kids even mentioned that it's November 21st and we're outside in our swimsuits!!! 
Weather.com says it's 64 degrees outside. . .good enough for me.
Will someone get hurt/mad?
Probably.  But I choose to remember the smiles.
And the energy burned :)
If they were in school and had free time they would not be allowed outside in the rain drizzle. . .they'd be sitting in the dark watching a movie.
Waiting at the door for towels
I prefer this.


  1. Good pictures. There are some advantages to home school.


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