
Yea!!!!  So good to hear from the kiddos.  And they seem to all be having a GREAT time -- !!!!  Thomas only took one self-addressed stamped envelope but the girls each took two so hoping for some more happy mail tomorrow maybe?  We get them Saturday morning. . .can't wait.  They all said in their letters that they are loving camp and Marie wrote that "I want to go next year too" -- ha!  Thinking ahead.  Margaret named all of her friends, and, as usual, Thomas had the most "newsy" letter.  He's a great writer.

Frederick is busy in OH with his cousins.  Golf camp every morning.  I guess he's pretty good and some mornings gets up early to practice.  Ha!  I told him to get it all out of his system up there because there is no one here to golf with.  I've never been on a course in my life.  He's gone to a swim meet, lobster bake, pig roast, swimming, Chick-fil-A, yard work for Grandma. . .the list goes on and on.  He's a busy boy.

Tom has been busy at work all this week.  In GA Monday.  Nashville Tuesday.  KY yesterday.  Busy all day today getting ready for a customer run-off tomorrow.  So. . .not too much time for "us".  Or the project list.  Not. One. Thing.  Oh well. . .I've gotten lots and lots of tennis in. . .last night I was on the courts until a little after 7 p.m. then again today at 6 a.m. and then again at 6:30 p.m. -- it's great!  And working a lot of shifts at the YMCA because it's easier to do when I'm not schlepping kids around :)  But I miss them fiercely.  And know that it's important for them to have time away from home too.  We've had a car in a shop every day this week too, getting maintenance done. . .so that's one thing crossed off the list.  And I've watched lots of movies -- probably more than I do in normal a 6-month period :)  Radio (an old one I found on Netflix) has been my favorite so far.  I think I'll let the kids watch it on a rainy afternoon this fall.  I don't feel lazy though. . .this is all stuff that I don't get to "normally" do so I feel lucky to have the chance.  I've only run the dishwasher once and done two loads of laundry -- !!!  And I had another job interview at another school on Tuesday. . .not feeling very hopeful since it's Thursday night and I haven't heard a word.  He said he'd let me know by the end of the week. . .tomorrow, I guess, is technically the end of the week.  I interviewed with this same principal for the same job last year. . .a "hometown" girl with a certificate I don't hold won out.

I am tired of the empty beds, though, but know I am one of the most fortunate people in the world because they will soon be filled again!!!



  1. Wow, some me-time for you huh? That's great, but I'm sure you miss them lots...and they miss you too. I liked Radio. You definitely deserve some "lazy". =p

    I have never been on a golf course before either...well, only mini golf. =p I'm glad my hubby doesn't golf because we have friends who do, and it's basically an all-day thing.

    Enjoy the rest of your time sans kiddos. I'm sure they will more adventures to tell you about.

  2. We recently had the kids gone for a week & stayed home & I missed them lots. It's easier to be away from them while I am doing fun things. While I want to show them the new things, I don't miss them as much as when I am home & they are not. I guess it is empty nest practice!!! Thankfully that's a few years away! So all that to say...I can relate to your post.

  3. Enjoy your time without the kiddos!(although I know that fiercely miss them feeling)Our daughter comes home from a two wek missions trip on Wed. and we will be glad to have her home again. glad you have some time for you!
    Blessings on your week.


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