Today was Margaret's 9th birthday.  Wow, how time flies!  We now have a 7, 9, 10, and a 12 yr old.  WOW.

Margaret is our "different" one.  Special.  She is not like the rest.  She is girlie.  We call her our "cat" because she likes to climb all over us and cuddle.  She is a princess.  She can get almost anyone to do anything for her, whether they like her or not.  She has beautiful brown eyes and blond hair.  She has a sense of style that must be in-born and not something learned. . .she can make anything look good.  She loves to craft and make people things.  She has the most annoying high-pitched scream.  She likes to separate herself from others. . .a few years ago I realized that I rarely have pictures with her in a group.  She doesn't like her picture taken with others unless she's "in the mood".  She is smart and pretty and energetic.  She is our night owl.  She's very athletic but doesn't stick with any one thing very long. . .she's been a cheerleader, dancer, gymnast, swimmer and soccer player.  She's awesome on roller blades and, besides Robert, is the only one who can get up and stay up on water skis.  She makes friends where ever she goes and does so with ease.  And the best part????  She is ours!  She sincerely loves her family and grandparents, aunts and uncles with everything she has.  You never know, from year-to-year, with Margaret.  She's unpredictable.  That is the only thing certain about her -- you never know what is up next with her.

She had a great birthday that I will write about another time.  After 9 hours on the lake today (her choice how to spend her birthday!) I am wiped out :)  The celebration started last night with a pedicure and then birthday cake at home followed by her sibling's gift, which they just *had* to give her a day early :)  This morning everyone was up before 8 a.m. -- presents, breakfast, and then the lake.  She chose dinner at the dock.  It was a beautiful, perfect, day.  I hope very much that it is a birthday that she will fondly remember.
