TTU basketball

We met some friends for the double-header basketball game at our local university Thursday night.  It was "Upward" night and "scholar" night so if you were wearing your Upward uniform or coach's shirt or you had a coupon from school saying you made the A-B honor roll you got in free.  Parents got in for $1.  So for three adults and 7 kids our entertainment for the evening was a grand total of $3 -- ha!
The youngest, our neighbor, was awed by the Awesome Eagle.  First chance he got he ran up to him for a picture.  He followed that Eagle around with his eyes all night long, constantly giving updates as to where he was.  He especially liked it when he was on the floor shooting baskets :)

 The girls won the first game. . .it was a good game. . .they never got too far ahead for it to be "boring" but eventually the win was inevitable.
 One of the kids from our Sunday School class ended up out on the floor doing a little race during one of the breaks. . .very cute.
He was supposed to dress like a Tech player, then get the ball and make a shot.  He was the winner!!!
And then there were the cheerleaders and dancers. . .that's why Margaret goes to a game, y'know. . .(not the boys -- YET)

These were some of the friends with us:
Thomas and his friend from school. . .it was fun to bring him because his friend had never been to a college game before!!!
Frederick with his BFF from down the street, Marie, Margaret, and that goofy Eagle-scouting kid at the end.  I was sitting between the two dads (you can see Tom's knee in this shot - ha!)

The boy's game was exciting, with Tech pulling out a win at the end!!!
Well, it was close until about the 4th quarter, then we just kind of took over.  Always fun to leave a winner :)

Margaret and Frederick found some other friends to sit with during the boy's game. . .other neighbors that we don't see nearly enough. 
 The sad truth is, these neighbors live just down the street and the only time we see them is if we're out-and-about, 10 miles away from home.  (Their little boy is sitting between my two.  He is sooooooo cute!)  Time for the warm temperatures to come around again and to open our doors for some neighborhood fellowship!

After the game we all wondered why we've never done this before?  The university is so close (and I'm a student there!) and ballgames are always a lot of fun (esp. in temperature-controlled climates -- ha!).  So. . .here's to finding new experiences in our small town.
