Fun Sunday

Look what the kids got this weekend?!?!?

Our other trampoline finally bit the dust in November. . .
I think the net had finally blown away two weeks prior.  It was our second net.  It is so incredibly windy where we live. . .one time we came home and the trampoline had blown over the fence at the back of the property and down the field a bit!  We secured it after that.  I think there was a hole in the bouncy part too at this point.

This was a day in November that we took it down.  Obviously we were unaware of all the cold and snow that would be hitting us within weeks!!!

And, just for fun, here are pictures from putting that first trampoline up. . .at the end of 2006!  Look how little, little the kiddies are!!!

I'm laughing at all the Little Tykes toys in the background too. . .those haven't been around in ages either. . .:)

OK, back to the present. . .here are my memories from this Sunday. . .

What a great, beautiful day!  The entire project, from the first box being opened to this picture here was 1 1/2 hours. . .great job All!!!  And THANK YOU very, very much, Mammaw & Grandpa, for the new trampoline!
(Life is crazy.  I've been writing this post since Sunday night.  It's now 6:26 Friday morning. . .)


  1. What a fun thing to have!!! Helps to burn some energy:)

  2. What memories! I can't believe how much the kiddies have grown! Love you all! Mammaw

  3. Jennibel, Thanks so much for stopping by and by the way, I love your name. Sure hope the sand in your pots will solve your problem.

    I so remember all the years our children wanted a trampoline and that was one thing that Hubby just would not let them have. He is an insurance agent and all he could see was a liability. :o) Oh well, guess they weren't marred because they never got one. :o)

    Blessings to you for a wonderful weekend. Oh, and I do love TN. I'm from Virginia and that part of the country is so special to me.


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