My favorite day of the year is September 14th. . .because I am no longer older than my husband. . .well, that is, until February :)
In all seriousness, it's fun to celebrate your best friend's birthday!! He got his gift from me a couple of weeks ago -- a new television for the bedroom. We don't have television service (except our local PBS station) but we do watch many videos together. The kids got a great brand-new television for Christmas and it was time we had something nice for us too :) His other gift, from all of our parents and his sister, was a new grill!!!
He and his dad got it put together in record time. . .I think that was part of the gift. . .putting it together! He loves a good project :)
Nice looking grill, huh? His other one was 14 years old. . .it had served its time well.
The kids got him the grill cover. . .that's what we wrapped and took out to eat with us. . .when he opened the cover he knew what his "big" gift was -- ha! (I took a picture of that too but it's on my phone.)
And then we, of course, were the lucky recipients of his burgers and dogs the next evening :)
Other highlights from his birthday weekend:
I love pictures of the kids reading with their grandparents. I have DOZENS of them. Frederick was busy playing Mancala with me at this moment. . .
Frederick also got one last birthday gift this weekend from his Aunt Kathy (Nana & Grandpa brought it down) and there were some hot games of Parchessi going on!
Sunday afternoon, while I was working on school work, the Bells, the kids, and Tom took the boat out. Thomas got up on Tom's old kneeboard for the first time. Funny thing: That was his birthday gift 21 years ago today. Am I a nerd that I know this stuff????
Lastly (it was a FULL weekend). . .the Bells also brought Tom and Thomas my stepdad's old riding mower.
Thomas LOVES it!!! Guess it won't be a problem getting the lawn mowed. . .thank you Mom!!!
And again, happy, happy birthday today to Tom! Twenty-one years ago today I got my first car. . .(it was also my first day of college. . .I took classes during my senior year of high school). . .I drove over to the Bell's house with my sister. . .she was encouraging me to take it over to show Tom. . .they were having a little birthday celebration and I was pretty intimidated by it all. . .that was really bold for me back then -- to show up unannounced someplace unfamiliar. . .we hadn't even been dating a month then. . .who would have guessed it would become so familiar?!? I love how life turns out. . .:)
In all seriousness, it's fun to celebrate your best friend's birthday!! He got his gift from me a couple of weeks ago -- a new television for the bedroom. We don't have television service (except our local PBS station) but we do watch many videos together. The kids got a great brand-new television for Christmas and it was time we had something nice for us too :) His other gift, from all of our parents and his sister, was a new grill!!!
He and his dad got it put together in record time. . .I think that was part of the gift. . .putting it together! He loves a good project :)
Nice looking grill, huh? His other one was 14 years old. . .it had served its time well.
The kids got him the grill cover. . .that's what we wrapped and took out to eat with us. . .when he opened the cover he knew what his "big" gift was -- ha! (I took a picture of that too but it's on my phone.)
And then we, of course, were the lucky recipients of his burgers and dogs the next evening :)
Other highlights from his birthday weekend:
I love pictures of the kids reading with their grandparents. I have DOZENS of them. Frederick was busy playing Mancala with me at this moment. . .
Frederick also got one last birthday gift this weekend from his Aunt Kathy (Nana & Grandpa brought it down) and there were some hot games of Parchessi going on!
Sunday afternoon, while I was working on school work, the Bells, the kids, and Tom took the boat out. Thomas got up on Tom's old kneeboard for the first time. Funny thing: That was his birthday gift 21 years ago today. Am I a nerd that I know this stuff????
Lastly (it was a FULL weekend). . .the Bells also brought Tom and Thomas my stepdad's old riding mower.
Thomas LOVES it!!! Guess it won't be a problem getting the lawn mowed. . .thank you Mom!!!
And again, happy, happy birthday today to Tom! Twenty-one years ago today I got my first car. . .(it was also my first day of college. . .I took classes during my senior year of high school). . .I drove over to the Bell's house with my sister. . .she was encouraging me to take it over to show Tom. . .they were having a little birthday celebration and I was pretty intimidated by it all. . .that was really bold for me back then -- to show up unannounced someplace unfamiliar. . .we hadn't even been dating a month then. . .who would have guessed it would become so familiar?!? I love how life turns out. . .:)
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