Yea!!!! Boating season is here!!! I didn't take the time to crop or enhance these pictures at all. . .they are straight from my phone. Our camera finally bit the dust at Margaret's birthday party Friday night. . .it's never been a "great" camera but this time we are replacing it. Not with anything fancy, but Tom's been shopping this weekend and found one to buy later today at Sam's. He said he almost stopped after church yesterday to pick it up but we really wanted to get to the lake!!!

I took this picture of Thomas as soon as we got on the boat. . .Tom was still parking the truck. I should have waited a couple more minutes. . .he put his sunglasses on and that completed the effect :) He had a new long-sleeved rash guard shirt and insisted on wearing it even though it was in the 80's. He never complained of being hot though. . .definitely my son!

I think I sent this picture to my brother when I took it. . .the kids love it when my brother and sister-in-law come down (about once a year) and go on the boat with us. My brother fits right in with the kids!!!

This is a GREAT picture of Marie! The kids got a new tube from Mammaw and Grandpa Foster for Christmas and this is the first time it's been out of the box. . .it is HUGE! Three kids can easily ride on it :)

We found our favorite parking spot and tied up.

We don't let the kids eat on the boat so we always need to find a place near the shore so they can get out and get the crumbs someplace else :) I would have taken pictures of them eating (it's always so cute how they set up their "picnic") but I had no idea my phone camera was taking such clear pictures! I was just trying to record a few memories and out popped these!!!

Frederick was in the water too but must have been behind these three. No, I never touched the water. . .that's normal. Tom just got in to tie and untie the boat. . .according to the kids (and logic) the water was very cold. But kids, they never seem to feel the cold the same way :)

After lunch the new tube came out. I realized last night when we downloaded the pictures that this is the only one I got of Margaret alone. That is not normal. . .she's usually insists on dozens of pictures. My little model.

Here is Marie, Frederick (laying down) and Thomas on the tube. We were probably 4-5 rides in by now. Margaret wanted to go alone. . .she already had I think. Again, I got a few pictures but will have SO MUCH FUN with my new camera next time :) I was struggling yesterday with the "no zoom" thing. My old one has 5X zoom. . .the new one will have 10x zoom -- yea!
And then Thomas got up on skis.

It was just a perfect, wonderful day on the lake! Thank you, Captain, for taking us out. We hope the boat's owners (Tom's parents) can make it out there with us soon too!

And now to rouse the troops. . .today is the last day of school!!!!
Looks like so much fun! We went boating with friends last summer a lot and it is such a great time. I want a boat so bad. :)