This is my first time joining in with Company Girl Coffee! I still do not know how to copy a button so if anyone can help me out on that, I'd appreciate it :)
I DO NOT like being home-bound and here I am, second day in. The above picture was taken from my front porch this morning, in my socks. It was FREEZING outside so I just held my arm out as far as it would go and snapped a picture :) I wouldn't say we were "hit" with anything but around here a dusting shuts EVERYTHING down. Last night the libraries, YMCA, etc. had all closed. Our local university isn't in session yet. . .wonder if they would have closed to? To be fair, when my husband got home he said the roads were very icy. Since we live in the middle of TN, and are in a rural area to boot, the roads are not treated so it is a little more difficult to get around. This morning I was supposed to get blood work done at 8:30 but after speaking with Tom decided not to go because the 2.5 mile road leading out to the main hwy was still covered in ice according to him. I'm usually not such a wimp but with a new-to-me vehicle and 4 kids I just didn't want to risk it. Marie has an orthodontist appt. later this afternoon. . .I'm hoping to get out by then!
I have gotten a few things accomplished while at home though! I made a new lanyard (is that what it's called?) for my YMCA badge.
I'm pretty proud of myself on this one. . .it took all of about 5 minutes and cost about $6. Yea!
I also have been dying to try some wall art for above my bed forever. This is my inspiration. I made my squares 7x7 and used foam board and am pretty happy with the turnout!
I haven't hung it yet because I think now I'm going to layer it on some painted canvas. . .but that is back to "I haven't been out of the house in 2 days". I'll make a full post when it's completed.
(As a side note, this is my messy perfectionist challenge from Wednesday. . .notice how the paper bubbles up in this photo?
It took almost everything in me not to re-do the entire tutorial so I wouldn't have a "bubbly" picture. I was known, in my earlier teaching days, to throw away complete classroom sets of tests b/c of 1-2 typos. For SIXTH GRADERS. Today the economics of it wouldn't allow me to do that. . .but. . .that's how bad I can be. . .)
Let's see. . .what else have we been up to? Dinner is going into the crockpot soon. This is a delicious, must-try recipe. . .if you have the ingredients and it's early enough try it for your family tonight!!!
I'm using some pork tenderloin that I had in the freezer (you know the best way to thaw meat from the freezer is in a sink filled with room-temperature water?) but I have used chicken breasts and pork chops in the past and they all turn out brilliantly. Some people like to season (salt & pepper) their meat before putting it in the crockpot but I generally don't. I dump all the soups (cream of mushroom, golden mushroom, and French Onion) in the crockpot, stir them up, add the rinsed-and-patted-dry meat, cover it with the "sauce", put the cover on, and cook for 5-6 hours on high or 10-12 hours on low. I will serve this with rice (because I mistakenly forgot to buy potatoes) and broccoli tonight. And some Rhodes rolls I found in the freezer and that I have enough time to let thaw and rise today :) I also think I'm going to go for Crockpot peanut clusters for dessert. We'll see. . .I've been meaning to try this since I saw it posted last year.
Nice "chatting" with all of you today and doing the daily Small Things with Rachel Anne this week. I haven't done my minimum maintenance yet today except to plan my evening meal so need to get on that. I'm looking forward to visiting all the rest of you throughout this snowed-in weekend. Stay warm wherever you are!
~ Jenni

I have gotten a few things accomplished while at home though! I made a new lanyard (is that what it's called?) for my YMCA badge.

I also have been dying to try some wall art for above my bed forever. This is my inspiration. I made my squares 7x7 and used foam board and am pretty happy with the turnout!

Let's see. . .what else have we been up to? Dinner is going into the crockpot soon. This is a delicious, must-try recipe. . .if you have the ingredients and it's early enough try it for your family tonight!!!

Nice "chatting" with all of you today and doing the daily Small Things with Rachel Anne this week. I haven't done my minimum maintenance yet today except to plan my evening meal so need to get on that. I'm looking forward to visiting all the rest of you throughout this snowed-in weekend. Stay warm wherever you are!
~ Jenni
I am praying for a release from the snowed in status as well! Good luck to you! I am off to do my minimum maintenance as well!
ReplyDeleteClearly, I need to send you a picture from South Dakota...where we're under about 2 feet of snow and it's currently -11, LOL.
ReplyDeleteI've chicken breasts with cream of mushroom soup, but never thought to mix several soups. Sounds like I know what I'm having for supper tomorrow!
I'm laughing at "snowed in"- it seems as if on everyone's blogs they're writing about the snow.... but then, not everyone is from a snowy state like I am. (Although today we have no snow, just COLD.) Oh well! Despite being stuck at home, my favorite part about snow is what how it makes everything pretty. The dinner sounds good- I might put that on our menu for next week!
ReplyDeleteWe live in West TN (Jackson) and are "snowed in" too, only we don't actually have any snow! We homeschool so the cold hasn't affected us too much, except our heating unit upstairs is out so we have been having pallet parties downstairs at night!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a yummy recipe! Hope you have a great weekend, and your project looks neat, you'll have to share it with us when you are done!
I'm from Tennessee (Chattanooga) so I know how things can be there when there is the least little bit of snow.
ReplyDeleteI just started Small Things with Home Sanctuary, too. To get the button for the Company Coffee Girls you can go to the main page on the Home Sanctuary blog, click on the tab for Blog Bling on the right side. Then you can copy and paste the code to your blog. (Click on Customize and add it as either a text or HTML).
Okay, I now live in NE Ohio where I was raised. We live in the "snow belt" where lake effect snow is a regular winter event. That being said, I lived in middle TN for a winter and thought it was funny how everything shuts down with even a dusting of snow. I guess it all depends on what you're used to. I hope you don't stay snowed in to much longer.
ReplyDeleteI live in Ontario, Canada...fortunately, in the southern end of it so we just got our first real snow fall this ammounts to maybe 3-4 inches...but it's turned quite cold, frigid even. I wouldn't mind being snowed in cause then it wouyld give me an excuse to cancel the 12 appts I have scheduled in the next two weeks! Hope you get out soon!
ReplyDeletewelcome to company girl coffee! I love your DIY wall art
ReplyDeleteJenni, thanks for the tip on thawing meat. I never knew! How long does it take? I've tried the microwave, but even on defrost, the meat gets partially cooked and just, well, looks icky. Thanks for the recipe, too!
ReplyDeleteI am stopping by from the Company Girl Coffee and tried to sign the comment with my own blog/site, but I get the message that my "OpenID credentials could not be verified"...Oh, well.
I do miss the south! (Although lately, 3 inches of snow seems to shut down Cincinnati, too.)
That sounds like a great recipe! I think I'll try that this week.
ReplyDeleteLove your art projects too! So creative.
Not any snow where I live...but the temps have been in the 20s...that is enough to shut me down! :) Hope you thaw out and the roads are cleared soon.
Jamie (and anyone else reading through the comments), it took about an hour to thaw that meat out in water. I freeze my bacon too and it generally takes 20-30 minutes to thaw it out in a pan of water when I want to use it. Not too bad! I learned that trick from my babysitter years ago when I would freeze breastmilk for my baby. Of course make sure your meat is in a leak-proof bag :) It's Sunday night and school is called off for tomorrow. . .the road in front of my house is still a sheet of ice. . .