My friend Melody did a fun post a few days ago where she dumped her camera and found how busy her family had been in the past month. Well, I don't need to dump my pictures to find that out but thought it would be fun to remember our month too. Journaling in pictures is so much more fun (to me!) than using a pen and paper -- although I have plenty of those laying around too. . .
Margaret's ballet center allows parent observation once a quarter and December had one of those dates. It is fun to see how much she's progressed from time-to-time.
Our kids had their annual Christmas program at school early in December. The first night were grades K-3, the second night grades 4-8 so we trekked up there both nights.
Frederick is in the front row (8th from left, if there is a grandparent blowing up the picture on their computer). They sang "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth". He hasn't lost a single tooth yet. (One was pulled about two years ago. . .he's in 1st grade!!!)
Thomas was a roller-blading Santa Claus. Skinny him in that fat suit :) They sang a Ray Steven's song and Thomas's name was pulled out of a hat for the role of SC. The roller blades were just something different. . .one of his many talents :)
Margaret is one of the back-up singers (2nd from left) in the 2nd grade's rendition of "It Must Be St. Nick" (I think).
Marie was a snowflake in "Walking in a Winter Wonderland". So cute.
Then we had our Dollywood trip.
Unfortunately we weren't prepared for how COLD it was going to be that day (the weather forecasters were way off) but it was a good time all the same. When we asked the kids they said the Toyland show was their favorite part of the day but for me this picture with Santa is what I will remember.
After the cold day at Dollywood, the kids bought Tom a new jacket for his Christmas gift this year. This picture was snapped on our way to his work Christmas party.
It snowed early in December. . .snow is not rare, but when we get it it is special. . .
Thomas and Marie participated in a Lego League competition this year. Here is Marie, at the opening ceremony, signing an MIT professor's shirt. This was a big deal -- Tom texted me from the event to tell me!
And here is Thomas, setting up I imagine. This was a great experience for them and their dad this year.
The Christmas swim party at the YMCA started off with a mock swim meet between our swimmers. This is a picture of Thomas on the starting block.
And Frederick getting ready to swim 25 yards. This was his first race, ever. It will be awhile before he is ready for a "real" meet.
And the things we made this month. . .gift baskets, blankets, candy, and the ABC album I made for the kids!

Marie got her braces this month. . .and I just happened to take her picture both days at the kids' Christmas programs :)
One of the family gifts we received this year (in addition to Dollywood season passes, a new tube for the boat, and Under Armour for all) -- a new television too!!!
We always have Christmas Sunday here at home, just the 6 of us, the Sunday before we leave for family two states away.
This is the fourth year that we have gone to church, then home for gifts, an afternoon together, dinner that we try to make together, and a birthday cake (pie this year) for Jesus. Here is a picture from mid-afternoon. . .
Christmas Eve Eve is our family celebration at my dad and stepmom's house. Bonnie decorates like Better Homes & Garden's will be over for a photo shoot -- it's just beautiful. She is also an excellent cook so dinner is better than anything at a 4-star resort.
The kids took turns reading Luke 2 from their Bibles after dinner.
This year we gathered early in the afternoon -- she had crafts for the kids and we all played games. A few hours in we opened gifts, ate dinner, and then had more time for dessert, visiting, and kids watching a new movie. There were 7 adults and 6 kids this year.
I snapped this picture before going to bed Christmas Eve. . .although you can tell the quality of my pictures aren't the best, I'm trying to work with what I have. Sarah gave some great picture-taking tips before Christmas this year and I was practicing. . .
My wonderful mother-in-law made an incredible dinner for Christmas and invited my mom over to share the evening with us. We are such a blessed family.
Although this was a busy month, my hope is to continue to capture the "little" things on camera -- those are where the true memories are I think. Everyone remembers Christmas, but do you remember the games you played with your cousins after the gifts were opened and food eaten? Or what about the snow days. . .what did you do??? These are the memories I hope to capture and record here this year.
And WOW. After writing this post I am AMAZED at what a busy time we've had. And seeing everything laid out like this. . .our cups runneth over.
Margaret's ballet center allows parent observation once a quarter and December had one of those dates. It is fun to see how much she's progressed from time-to-time.

Frederick is in the front row (8th from left, if there is a grandparent blowing up the picture on their computer). They sang "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth". He hasn't lost a single tooth yet. (One was pulled about two years ago. . .he's in 1st grade!!!)

And the things we made this month. . .gift baskets, blankets, candy, and the ABC album I made for the kids!

It looks like you had a great month. I'm a little jealous of your snow. We haven't gotten any yet in Nashville. Being a Yankee transplant, I miss the snow. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a happy new year!