Yes, there are four. You could say I "won" (and got the four children I dreamed of instead of the two I had agreed to) but that's not what it's about. By the time we found out about
Frederick my husband and I had submitted our lives to God and although Frederick was not in OUR plan (remember, at this point I was done, done, done too) he was always in God's plan and being children of God we gave praise for another human that He was going to entrust us with.
My husband told me I was pregnant December 31, 2002 (my youngest was born May 28th of that year). I didn't believe him. Our good friends had canceled our New Year's Eve plans so we stayed home. We had lived in our home for a year and a half and had never hung up any pictures so that evening we got them all out and spent our time doing that. Well, Tom spent the evening doing that -- I laid on the sofa too tired to help. I couldn't be pregnant! 1) I had a 7 mo. old and was nursing; 2) I was taking birth control; 3) Tom had been out of work for 2 months and had decided to finish up his last semester of school full-time in January; 4) our health plan that we got after he had been laid off specifically didn't cover pregnancies; 5) my body hadn't recovered from it's third birth in four years; 6) it didn't make sense.
Well, as you know, things like this DON'T make sense and you put everything you have into the Lord and move forward. It took another week or so before I'd take a pregnancy test to confirm what Tom suspected and then it was time to figure things out. I think I knew straight-away that it was a boy. This was a name we had never used and this was our chance!!! We had to have boy named after both of his grandfathers. And he was. And we did. This was the only pregnancy that we found out the sex ahead of time -- the baby itself was surprise enough!! And so our family of 6 became complete later that year when Frederick was born.

Frederick is the "everything" kid. He's good in school, good in sports, and very helpful. A pleaser. He holds doors open for me and makes cards for his friends. His downfall? He is competitive. In everything. It's scary. . .he absolutely loses control when he isn't "right" or isn't the best. We definitely need to work on that. And what's funny is neither Tom nor I are particularly competitive so it must be something innate in him. He's only 6. . .we're hoping for a little relaxation in him over the next decade or so. Not that there's anything wrong with competition but you need to be careful who you are competing for, y'know?

We don't celebrate Halloween but our library was painting faces last weekend and he picked a really cute face :)

Soccer is his thing. We had to move him up and out of his age group quickly because he trampled everyone -- including his own teammates!!! His dad has been his coach for a couple of seasons now at the YMCA.

Frederick also likes to cook with me. And he's always perceptive and wants to make what other people are going to like. . .I think here he was making blueberry muffins for Grandpa Fred.

He loves Max. Max is his Nana & Grandpa's dog and they bring him each time they come to visit. My kids love animals but that is just one thing I can't give them right now. We tried once.

I love my boys!!!! They are rough and tumble and loud and fast and smart and full of energy!!! They never stop but I don't really want them to. Life would be boring and dull and not so full of love if they weren't a part of it!!!
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