I am a teacher. I was a teacher. I am also a student. My life is busy these days with SCHOOL. I love school, always have. I knew when I was in second grade (or maybe first) that I wanted to be a teacher. I'm fortunate that I have always known what "I wanted to be" and had that goal to work toward. I can not imagine NOT knowing and going aimlessly through my childhood, teens, and early adulthood NOT knowing that I wanted to get married, be a mom, and be a teacher. Although, ultimately, all of these are up to God, I felt I had the most control over my profession. I remember my student teacher in 5th grade, Miss Frisbee, and admiring her, wanting to BE her. I watched and learned from all my teachers -- what they did that made them good teachers, what made them "bad" teachers. I know, I know, I was born "old". I was. Anyhow, I lead a blessedly "typical" life and went from high school to college and into a teaching job. I taught 6th grade math for 6 1/2 years in a rural school district near my hometown. I never even applied for the job -- they called me!! It was the only job I interviewed for and hindsight shows me the Lord's hand and blessings in all of it.
Then my second "goal" happened. . .I got married!!! I went from "Miss Foster" to "Mrs. Bell". That was fun!!! I continued on in my same school with the same classroom. . .I went to work happy every day :)
Then I was blessed with my third "goal": a son! Now I had it all -- I was a teacher, a wife, and now a mother. And not quite two years later, I became a mother again! This time I said good-bye to my sixth graders and became a full-time wife and mother. Some discouraged me from this decision and many more encouraged me. God's plan and my family's support was all I needed so I left school without looking back. Don't misunderstand -- it was HARD -- but you only have one shot with young children at home and this was my chance! What made it perfect at the time was that my sister was due with her first and would have to return to work so I would get to be a full-time caregiver to my niece too!!!
Even though God continued to bless me as a mother I have felt the calling to go back to school for quite some time now. The difference was, this time I didn't know what I wanted to "do". Go back into teaching? Those that teach know it's a calling and a commitment. I see it as a mission field. I have lots of interest in business and thought maybe I'd start over and take that path. But what about my kids? They were (and still are!) at home with me. Who comes first? So I thought it over for a few YEARS. I applied for and took the tests to obtain a teaching license in the state we live in. Then last year when Frederick started kindergarten I decided to substitute teach in the county we live in. It was a slow start, but once I got in the classroom I knew, without a doubt, that I belonged back there.
Through a series of God-provided circumstances I began graduate work at a local university this fall semester. I love it!!! I am taking three classes and am BURIED. I have two major projects due before Thanksgiving (one tomorrow night at 11 p.m.) and yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day putting these things together. I still am. I am a perfectionist who tweeks and tweeks and tweeks. I need to stop.
Regardless, here I am. . .I am a teacher, but also a student. And I think the best teachers never stop being students. . .someone said that this fall and I am holding fast to it, knowing I am where I am supposed to be right now.
I love to learn and love to teach. I am blessed.


  1. Working in the schools has really opened my eyes to what teachers do, and you are right, it is a calling. I am blown away by what they do. And what a mission field.

    Hope your semester ends up well. I am going back to school this summer...I have always loved school too!



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