Happy Birthday Thomas!!

Thomas is 11 years old today.

How is that possible?
Just LAST YEAR I was pregnant with him. . .waiting. . .and waiting. . .and waiting. He was overdue.
Then he started pre-school. He went two days a week the first year, then three days a week the second year.
His brother was born on his first day of school the second year.
He was 4 years old and the oldest of 4!

He is an incredible big brother.
I love his white hair and ice-blue eyes.
I love his energy and sensitivity.
I love that he tries so hard to do the right thing (and yet is so impulsive he often acts without thinking. . .)He's good in school -- he loves to play school with his siblings and he's ALWAYS the teacher.
When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said "Under Armour". Easy to please (although his taste is a bit expensive!)
He's a great athlete. He can run a mile in less than 8 minutes. He is strong. He is an excellent swimmer. He loves soccer. He wants to do gymnastics -- and will probably be good at it!
He still gives me kisses.
And I'm sure he'll be as tall as me next year.
My heart overflows with love for him and gratitude for Our Father for giving him to us. I am blessed. We are blessed.I couldn't imagine 11 years ago where I'd be today. And I can't imagine where he'll be in 11 years either. Maybe a teacher? Coach? Still in school? Married? Engaged? I JUST CAN'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!! I'm enjoying THIS day with him, and then tomorrow, and then the next day. . .we're not guaranteed any of it anyway.My cup runneth over with blessings.
