Another Season (or two?) gone by. . .

A lot has happened in the last five months. . .I believe the above is the only time we have all been together in this last season also.  A new season for most of us. . .growing, changing, moving, and, for some, just staying in a holding pattern in certain areas for now.

So. . .never finished my Italy post.  

That is what first kept me away - not admitting that I am NOT good at the detailed recaps and push myself to do them.  Glad I had that group picture of my traveling buddies as my header for the summer though!  These are all such dear friends to us.  Here is one last Italy picture since I can guarantee I won't be writing about the second part of our trip, even though it was our favorite.  I think southern Italy will be a place we revisit in our life.

This was our last (and BEST!) meal in Sorrento, Italy - the next day we were on a plane back to the USA.  We will be traveling to Ireland together next year - can't wait!!
We returned to Tennessee and immediately got the boat out, a little later than usual.
I believe this was Father's Day. . .and Radar's first trip to Dale Hollow Lake (DHL).  He still wasn't quite sure how he ended up in this family - adopted on Mother's Day and now all this attention for Tom :)
We had a terrific summer on the lake!!  Here are a few of my favorite pics from June, July, and Aug/Sept
You can tell who the "star" of the show was most of the summer. . .also the one who didn't fuss that I was "always" taking his picture ;). Radar was so much fun on the lake with us and really seemed to enjoy his time on the water.  

Other notable things from this past season. . .
Laura's "good-bye" party to send her off for her first year of campus missions!  She was fundraising all of the previous winter/spring to make her quota goal so she could serve - one day she came to me and said, "Mom, do you know a xxxxxx who lives in xxxxxx?"  I had to think for a moment, because we used to live near that area and the name was familiar. . .and then it hit me, it was the sweetest blog reader!!!  I was so overwhelmed by that - and made me realize that this really is just more than an outlet for "me" but a place where we can get involved in prayer, in action, and practically in other people's lives.  I know many blogs I read inspire me to read something, watch something, buy something, and even, sometimes. to consider an action or point of view that I otherwise would have missed in my insulted East Tennessee world.  What a great community this is!!
Anyway, even when we think we have "nothing to share" (really, do I???) the Lord uses the littlest things to encourage :)
The party was planned by her bestie here in Knoxville and gathered friends from not only here, but one who drove in from Nashville to be a part of her send-off!
It was a pool party at our neighborhood pool and these kiddos took full advantage!  Our HOA has also provided a grill so we had plenty of food. . .
One of the activities that Jess had put together was everyone bring a picture (or three) with them with Laura and make a scrapbook page for her with them.

I saw this dessert idea on Andrea's blog (I think) - for ice cream sundaes, she bought ice cream sandwiches and all the toppings.  These girls dipped the edges in mini M&M's and then added a little whipped cream :)
Here is our girl, Austin Peay-bound, with her parents, grandparents, and neighborhood grandparents (and unaware brother - ha!).  We all love her so much and are very proud of her decision to serve the Lord in this way in this season of her life :)
In July, we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary!  A favorite season for sure :)
July 1, 1995

We had planned to get together with our traveling friends to see David (one of the students that has been on both trips) in Anastasia that he was a part of at a local theatre.  We met up to watch it and Tom surprised me by having ordered a favorite bottle of sparkling wine from Italy and having it delivered to another person so it would be a surprise for me :) 
There was this exciting thing that happened - not to be forgotten, even though we are not big baseball fans.  Stephen did get us to an early game this season - it *is* always fun to cheer the Vols on, no matter the sport!

I went to Memphis for a State Tennis Tournament - Mei Ling was my roomie :)
While there I met up with a friend that I had not seen for over 30 years!  He is a part of a family my sister and I have always been good friends with - he lives in Memphis PT for his job.  He's even more picture-adverse then my family - ha!  But it was good to see him and catch up for a bit.
Although we didn't place well, it's always fun to travel with this great group of ladies.  I have been fortunate enough to play with most of them for years - they really do make me a better player!
The weather was brutal - I LOVED it!!!!
Meanwhile, this guy was NOT adopting well to his crate
Got stung by a bee:
And wore his mama out on more than one occasion:
Fourth of July weekend we met our traveling buddies at the lake they keep their boat - Tom and I just did a day trip because we had other things going on that weekend - always fun to meet up with these "sisters" when we have time :). 
The guys tag along also - ha!  How would they have friends if it weren't for us???
Aunt Kathy came for a month or so - the best excuse for lots of ice cream runs :)
We went to visit Laura in Clarksville - took a campus tour and admired her wall art - framed prints of her friends and family and a map of the Smoky Mountains.  She was lucky enough to find a roommate in the Chi Alpha organization.

I made it up to Cincinnati twice in three weeks.  The first time I got to play pickleball with my dad, sister, and Stephen!
Stephen took Rachel for the first time and they attended a Reds game and golfed with the VJ's:
It was a great trip for me too. . .I drove to Columbus to see these brothers, whom I have known since 4th grade!!
I have stayed in touch with Chad (on the left) or his parents pretty consistently since my family moved from Gahanna in the mid-80's.  Brian, on the right, now lives about 10 miles from my sister - it's such a small world!!!
It was such a privilege to be invited to this family get-together - they were celebrating a high school and college graduation.  They are such a great family!!
Brian texted me a few weeks ago that his daughter, who attends college in TN, was running for her school at a park near me so I took that Friday morning off work and met him and his wife to cheer her on!  I've never been to a XC race so that was fun for me :). 
It was certainly a summer of reconnection - I was also able to check in with Pop Peth, who I have known since high school (it was his nephew that I met up with in Memphis).
This is the last time I saw him - he died November 1st.  He had been battling cancer for quite some time so his passing was not unexpected.  He led many, many people to Christ in his life - his wife e-mailed me the other day saying, "if only we could be seeing what he is seeing now".  So, so true.
Two weeks later. . .
More pickleball with my sister and dad and. . 
An Elevation Worship concert!!!
Abby and I attended one of their concerts two years ago and couldn't wait to go together again!!!  It absolutely did not disappoint.  It was such a fun, fun night. . .can't wait to do it again :)
I also got to have lunch with one of my very favorite teachers from the first school I taught in:
We have both moved on (unwillingly for the most part) to new careers. . .but are forever grateful for our years in the classroom and our continued friendship through the years.  She has a daughter named "Erin" also!!

And then August rolled around. . .and not one Bell (except Aunt Kathy) went back to school.  Sigh.  I thought this season would be easier - Done with School - but it's not.
1)  We are not really Empty Nesters - I *think* there may have been one semester when no one was home, but for the most part, we have always had a kid or two or three "back home" with us.  This season it is Erin, a full-time accountant at a local CPA firm and Stephen, who has been working in commercial real estate since before he was licensed.  Both hard workers, both trying to save money and see where "life" will take them.  So glad to have this "extended" time with them, grateful that it works out for all of us.
2) We don't know "what's next" either - ha!  We have such a great life where we are, of course, but not much direction.  Our 30+ years together has always been "working toward something" - an education, starting our family, growing in our careers, getting the kiddos through school. . .now what?!?  I read enough blogs and listen to enough podcasts to know that this is not unusual, but it's not easy (for me at least).  
So. . .heading into August "living life" - I tried resurrecting Picture of the Day on Facebook :)

Showing off at our Volunteer Football Kick-off Day at work dressed ready to cheer them on. . .
while our Fun Committee showed replays of iconic TN Football games in the training room :)

Saturday Tom and I headed to a local Mexican restaurant to enjoy the beginning of the season opener

We had our annual cousins lake trip (my sister does a hiking trip in the winter, then Tom & I do a lake trip in the summer - all kids and their friends are invited and those who can come on these trips show up!). We had a CREW this time:
All our kids except Laura, a bunch of friends, our traveling buddies, AND my brother and sister-in-law!!
Tom and I always stay one extra day to wrap everything up. . .this year our traveling friends stayed late with us (mostly b/c they are more local then everyone else who came)

And an attempt at a sunset picture down the street from our Airbnb. 
And the Bells each celebrated birthdays taking them further into their 80's.  They are such a healthy inspiration to us!!
Erin decorated her space for a change of season - she is so good at this type of thing.
We are continuing to paint our kitchen cabinets. . .

Another State Tournament (tri-level) in my "backyard".  This is a Cookeville friend who was playing for Upper Cumberland - so glad I ran into her and was able to cheer her on!!  I was playing also, but our team came up short - it's all good though. . .the competition SHOULD be fierce at the State level!!
Then, two weeks ago I was at another state tournament (our team won combo 7.5 40+ ladies in Knoxville) and ran into another Cookeville tennis friend!!
That was soooooo cool!!!  
I could only play on Friday so I got up at 4:30 a.m. and was out the door by 5:15 to drive to Nashville for an 8 a.m. match (there is a time change in there).  There were rain delays so we didn't get on the court until 10:30 a.m. CST and then our second match didn't start until 2-ish.  Normally not a big deal, but my family was coming into town of the Tennessee-Kentucky game the following day so I was pinched on time.  
In the meantime. . .the day before this. . .was my last day at my job at the local accounting firm (the same one Erin works for)
I truly had the best "seat" in the place!!  I loved my big window overlooking the parking lot at the back of the building.  They actually "built" this space for me when they ran out of cubicles soon after they hired me :). My title was Director of Learning & Development.  I very much loved the people I worked for but I hate tax season!!  It is twice a year, for 2.5+ months at a time.  During those weeks I can't do anything.  I did a little bit of operations work but it was nominal.  Most of the leadership preferred that training be outsourced or done by managers. . .it was just hard to fill my time.  I had been there since December 2022 and it was a created position.  It was NOT easy leaving because I like the people so much.  A friend of mine reached out to me saying that her bank was putting together a training department and would I interview with them to be a part of that initiative?  It was a long process - she first contacted me at the beginning of August and I onboarded November 1st (yes, the same day I was in Nashville with my tennis team - ha!).  So far, so good. . .they hired a Director of Learning & Development who started the day after Labor Day, then he hired me (Leadership Development Specialist) and another person, a Training Specialist (who does the technical stuff) - we met each other for this first time this last Monday!  
See what I mean??  Seasons changing. . .
Although I realize each thing I have mentioned here could be their own posts, I'm trying to "catch up" and then we'll see where I go with this blogging thing.  I DO read them almost every day (the ones on my right sidebar plus many that are linked through them) and miss recording my life too.  It helps me to reflect, appreciate, remember, and process.  There are so many things that were left out of these last 5 months too. . .I never know what's important and what's not until later. . .that's the case a lot, right?
Anyway, the day after my "first day" at the bank/my day in Nashville, we welcomed the VJ's, AVJ and 3 of her friends, many of Robert's Chattanooga friends, and some of our oldest friends from Dayton, Ohio to Knoxville to tailgate and attend the Tennessee/Kentucky football game with us :)
Jim (on the far right) was our first bible study leader.  He and Brian (in the middle) served at Wright Patt AFB together and here we are.  Brian served his four years out of the Air Force Academy, Jim retired from the AF.  This is a fitting time for this post - Happy Veterans Day to these men, my father, and Pa Cooper for their service to our country 🇺🇸
Anyway, Jim and his fiancee Lisa had been down a couple weeks ago for the TN/AL game and when I mentioned we were doing this on the 2nd they tentatively said they would be back!!!  Her son is a junior at UTK but these were Jim's first ballgame experiences :)
We had a great day…tailgating, Stephen and Brian figured out how to set up a television so we could cheer Ohio State on, fun tailgate “neighbors“ and then a game that was difficult in the first half, but we pulled it off and showed up in the second half!!
I'll end the post here. . .had a great first week at my new job, am enjoying "slower" mornings (so far) with it, still have weather in the 70's (!!!!) and getting ready to ease into this next holiday/winter  season.  
I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah (who recently had a great book re-cap) for Hello Monday - I have missed these link-ups!

See you around,


  1. What an incredible summer! Thanks so much for sharing- these pics brought me joy :)

    1. Thanks Holly! Have been keeping up with you too….nice to participate today :)

  2. I think this is my first visit here (hopping over from Holly's page). We have a lot in common...we're big VOL fans (my hubs is from Maryville, and I did grad work at UT), Iove Jesus (maybe should have said that first lol), live on a lake (in SC), my oldest daughter lived in Clarksville and then Cincy for a year and she was born in Columbus so there's that connection too. I have two daughters, and now two sons-in-law ( plus 5 grands-a mix of boys and girls). Oh and I love Italy and have trekked up and down the country which is one of my favorites. It was fun to read your catch up and see the lake pics especially. I'm not familiar with Dale Hollow but TN has so many lakes. We've been married 40 years this year and the empty nest/retirement thing does take some figuring out, but you'll get there. Enjoy your Monday!

  3. Wow, Jenni! You have been BUSY but by the look of the pictures, it is in the best possible way! Love your wedding photo- you two are beautiful on the outside and, based on the sheer number of friends you have cultivated over the years and how close you are with your family, I am going to say on the inside as well where it really counts. Your family and friends pictures are so good- I am glad you are documenting pictures and stories here. I don´t think you´ll regret it :). Congrats on the new job- I hope it is going well.


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