Favorite picture of the day:
Grandpa Foster, Mammaw, Grandma, Thomas, Marie, Nana, Grandpa Fred, Frederick (in front), Margaret (on chair)
Biggest laugh of the day:
And most definitely happy kids after church with Mammaw & Grandpa Foster:
Bugged-eye kid playing cards:
And pure joy captured when playing 20 questions:
The treasure at the end of the hunt:
Our tradition is a scavenger hunt throughout Nana & Grandpa's house in the morning to find "a big gift" at the end (we put clues in plastic Easter eggs, the first one being in their baskets/buckets). . .this year it was the latest Harry Potter video and the three Narnia videos.
Oh, yea, then there was DESSERT:
Happy cousins:
Grandpa Foster, Mammaw, Grandma, Thomas, Marie, Nana, Grandpa Fred, Frederick (in front), Margaret (on chair)
Biggest laugh of the day:
My dad's spelling inability. . .Crown of Throns anyone?
Happy kids right before church:
(Well, there's at least a happy Mom here because all kids are dressed in something other then athletic shorts or sweats and t-shirts and we get to have a family picture together)
(Well, there's at least a happy Mom here because all kids are dressed in something other then athletic shorts or sweats and t-shirts and we get to have a family picture together)
And most definitely happy kids after church with Mammaw & Grandpa Foster:
Bugged-eye kid playing cards:
And pure joy captured when playing 20 questions:
The treasure at the end of the hunt:
Our tradition is a scavenger hunt throughout Nana & Grandpa's house in the morning to find "a big gift" at the end (we put clues in plastic Easter eggs, the first one being in their baskets/buckets). . .this year it was the latest Harry Potter video and the three Narnia videos.
Oh, yea, then there was DESSERT:
(I know, it was an obnoxious amount of food. I *love* good food so I love going to my stepmom's house!)
Happy cousins:
Marie & AVJ
Susan & Frederick
The Easter Story:
This was a fun activity: Jesus is the marshmallow, pure and white. . .then, His sacrifice to us, "dirtied" with cinnamon sugar, our sin. . .wrapped in a crescent roll after death, with a stone rolled over His tomb. . .3 days later check out what Susan is holding -- an empty tomb!!! HE IS RISEN!!!! He is ALIVE!!!
And these were just a smattering of the 100 pictures I took that day -- ha!!
And lastly (these are so out of order). . .poker, of all things, after the meal, Easter story, and dessert:
Thomas - the card players quickly discovered they didn't have enough money between them so they moved to toothpicks.
Marie (looking every bit the card shark that she is)
AVJ - a Lady, not-yet a card shark
AVJ's proud daddy teaching her poker to her mother's [my sister's] "what are you teaching her?!?"
Grandpa Fred -- the instigator of all of this. I certainly don't know how to play poker.
This post was just a week late -- not too bad! Good times, great memories.
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